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Am I dumb for thinking this is a good combo? Debating ordering a full stack of empty Splawn cabinets again and running these in X patterns in both.
You never know until trying it, but that doesn’t sound like a good mix to me as both those speakers lack mids. I don’t like either of those speakers much in general besides the ‘80’s version non-vented T75’s. I wasn’t crazy about Splawn cabs either from what I remember of them
I would say you’re right in that don’t really lack mids per say unless comparing them to V30’s or most M magnet celestions, but they for sure have that very hollow H magnet midrange like the H30’s, but even worse. I hate those speakers honestly. Hollow mids, very strong upper frequencies, but at the same time very smooth (not biting or gritty), which to me translates to just being kind of annoying and peaky. I just don’t like anything about those speakers. Couldn’t get rid of them fast enoughI don’t think creamback H75 lack mids, I think they have mids but just less than V30’s which are IMO all mids. But I’ve never owned them before which is why I’m looking for help from current owners.
I would say you’re right in that don’t really lack mids per say unless comparing them to V30’s or most M magnet celestions, but they for sure have that very hollow H magnet midrange like the H30’s, but even worse. I hate those speakers honestly. Hollow mids, very strong upper frequencies, but at the same time very smooth (not biting or gritty), which to me translates to just being kind of annoying and peaky. I just don’t like anything about those speakers. Couldn’t get rid of them fast enough
Those 75’s you mentioned can sound good with V30’s and a few other middy speakers, but don’t like them on their own. In general I don’t like the sound of speaker mixes as much, but some definitely can be great when you get it right
Yeah I had them for a few years. Fwiw also, while I definitely hear the way a speaker’s sound changes as they break in, it has never changed my overall opinion of them, they just simply got better and I understand that when playing them. The speakers I love l also loved when I received them brand new, not counting of course my vintage speakers that are imho much more inspiring to play throughWere your H75 broken in?
Some of this matches my experience with them too. I felt their voicing just was undesirable, especially for what I prefer in metal. It had something in the uppermids that I found really annoying, but too smooth at the same time with the typical hollow H mag mids in a worse way than H30’s. I didn’t like anything about them. Maybe the fullness they’re referring is from it having deeper lows than their M magnet counterparts, but other high powered celestions and non-celestions have even deeper/heavier lows. It didn’t really fit any niche for me in serving a specific purpose well vs othersDepends on what kind of mids we're talking, but my H's were actually honkier than V30's. So probably less upper mids, but more core "Greenback-y" woody mids on the Creambacks for sure.
I'm pretty sure Creamback H's vary a lot. Mine were way brighter and not as chunky as my Vintage 30's, but I've heard people often describe them as "full". I've heard some clips which agree with that, but mine weren't.
Mine were also noticeably more efficient than my V30's.
In my case, they got along well with my Krank because my Krank was very scoopy and heavy in the lows, so the added mids helped a little. But to be honest, that Krank was VERY picky, and only wanted to sound good when/if the planets aligned.Some of this matches my experience with them too. I felt their voicing just was undesirable, especially for what I prefer in metal. It had something in the uppermids that I found really annoying, but too smooth at the same time with the typical hollow H mag mids in a worse way than H30’s. I didn’t like anything about them. Maybe the fullness they’re referring is from it having deeper lows than their M magnet counterparts, but other high powered celestions and non-celestions have even deeper/heavier lows. It didn’t really fit any niche for me in serving a specific purpose well vs others
Yeah Kranks are like that for sure and can see that happening, but with the amps I have they were imo awfulIn my case, they got along well with my Krank because my Krank was very scoopy and heavy in the lows, so the added mids helped a little. But to be honest, that Krank was VERY picky, and only wanted to sound good when/if the planets aligned.
But as soon as I got my EVH, yeah... they weren't working. I got rid of them and filled my cab with Greenbacks. Two Chinese and two UK Classic series Greenbacks. Nothing fancy.
I think there's a chance I might like the Greenback M/Vintage 30 mix, but honestly, I prefer to have different speakers in different cabs. I'm not in love with mixing speakers in one cab because I always feel like I'm watering down the one that I like the most with the one that I like less.