Creed 2024 Gear Rundown

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He is a tone whore. But he also knows there was 96 years of hype behind the MT100 so he is going to hold onto that sentiment... while slowly realizing that the right digital stuff actually sounds really good now.

It's hard to admit it. But... it's a real thing.
If he had to carry all his own gear to stage he would most likely be running straight up digital at this point. Let's be honest.
Nah. It's not the only spot where he says that...there's another backstage vid where he also mentions it....

Let's be honest. On a straight tone v tone contest, the real amp wins 100% of the time. The only way they compete in tone is when a tube power amp is used...and then, that kind of defeats the purpose?

Modelers are great tools to add. Recording, going direct FOH, and convenience/transport are all great benefits. About 10 years back I saw a Canadian band Threat Signal, both guys used AXE II direct. But both players admitted to me and my drummer that they each had a nice collection of tube amps at home, and if they had to choose between the Axe and one of their amps for the BEST tone it's one of their amps.
I keep an old Peavey 60/60 around in case the day comes to grab a modeler. That way it'll sound as good as I can get it to.
I don’t think anyone is ever going to deny the feel, visceral, dynamic feeling of a real tube head on stage is going to be “better”. However, that is so relative playing live. When I saw tremonti years ago, it sounded fucking awful, an absolute mess on stage because his amps were blasting through the FOH. So how great is that if your show sucks? I mean ya gotta think about what’s really important here. I can’t think of a single reason to use a tube head and cab live
that somehow beats a digital setup except in one situation: straight up tone. And getting that tone to the FOH and to mix it live, is a whole other ball of wax. I love tremonti, one of my buddies has engineered all of his records, as well as alterbridge etc. but, trivium right after them was night and day, and triviums live mix wiped the floor with tremontis that night.
I did ask him if he ever recorded with his Hermannson modded Rectifier. He said he tried to use it in the studio but was a bit too thin and bright on a recording for him and went back to his revfs.

I’ve experienced this myself with my hermansson, fun in the room, nightmare to record
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Updated the OP with a 40 minute interview about his amp collection, gear, etc. that was just uploaded by AMS.
He is a tone whore. But he also knows there was 96 years of hype behind the MT100 so he is going to hold onto that sentiment... while slowly realizing that the right digital stuff actually sounds really good now.

It's hard to admit it. But... it's a real thing.
If he had to carry all his own gear to stage he would most likely be running straight up digital at this point. Let's be honest.
I dunno about that, as he won't even use a digital wireless. He probably would have a small Synergy rack or something though, lol.
I dunno about that, as he won't even use a digital wireless. He probably would have a small Synergy rack or something though, lol.

I kind of get the no cable thing. I experienced slight loss when I used a shure wireless. But I also never tried a super high end wireless. Since a cable is guaranteed most every time to work right.

When your gear cases weigh 200-300 pounds and a crew is lugging it. I'd always run the amps and a 2 notes for FOH or an isolated cab where the mic position etc has been perfected.

But if he was hauling it yeah I think you see alot less huge rigs and alot more of that synergy/axe type setup. Nobody likes helping somebody drag 12 dead bodies worth of gear on stage unless they make salary doing it ?
What’s the wireless angus uses that acts like a boost that guys have tried to replicate with a pedal?
i enjoyed that interview. seems like a nice enough guy to where i’m actually curious about the hype around him.

what would be considered one of his prime tone/solo moments?
Very interesting that he's using Synergy Modules, as well as, only CH3 of the MT100s.
Thought he'd use every channel of the MT100.

Reminds me of the Misha Mansoor rig rundown, where Misha admits he designed the Peavey Invective to be the Power Amp for his Axe-FX live rig.

Seems like the only guys that actually use their signature amps are Kirk Hammett, Steve Morse.....anybody else actually using their sig amps?
John Petrucci uses the JP2C