Creed in 2024

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They've sounded pretty good on this recent tour, seems like they're having fun. Hopefully they got things patched up. The other guitar player might be Eric Friedman, he toured with them for a bit on their first reunion. I guess he's also in Tremonti's solo band.
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he could just get a mimiq pedal, throw a half stack on each side of the stage and it would sound better, that pedal is amazing for that
interesting thoughts...Except what about when Mark is playing his leads? Also, I have watched several videos ant they are playing counter / different rhythm parts on occasion as well.
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They had some of the coolest riffs. I think everyone in the band thought they were a metal band besides the douche singer. I wore out a couple of their albums highschool to college. No judgement here, bud

interesting thoughts...Except what about when Mark is playing his leads? Also, I have watched several videos ant they are playing counter / different rhythm parts on occasion as well.

You gotta multiple rigs now, you gotta get one, it’s so fun, it’s just like adding yourself as a second guitar player, leads will just be doubled if you keep it on
They have always reminded me of something you'd see on stage surrounded by four lime green walls at your local mega church. Yuck.
I'm here for it. A little nostalgia. Cool to see big guitars on a mainstream stage again, no hate here. FWIW, My PRS Tremonti is probably the best guitar I own, that thing RIPS, and I really don't think he's anything special as far as a player lol.

People love to dick on guys like this. I get it, you're sooooo much cooler (I kid, I kid). But i'll take this over Ariana Grande or any of the pop trash on top 40 ANY day of the week
There are ALOT of worse things in modern music we have to bitch about other than creed returning and making music. I’m all for it. Not to mention, just rmemeber as much as people love to hate on them and bands from that era, Atleast guitar music was still on the radio and popular. I’d take back those times by far than what is popular on the radio today.
Nickelback played a couple of songs for an outdoor NHL game this year. It was awesome. Never understood Creed though.
Not my favorite; but I don't dislike them. If you are/have been in a rock cover band, the hard truth is you end up playing Creed AND Nickleback. I have some Creed on my phone.
But, I LOVE Alter Bridge.
Creed is almost just fine as a rock band but damn if Scott Stapp doesn't replace every single vowel he sings with an "R."

"Hrllrr mr frrnds wr mrrt rgrrn"

Ok maybe it's not quite that bad, but it almost feels like it, lol. If he didn't do that shit, I honestly think the band would be 10x better. But just like has already been said, guitar-based music is so outside the mainstream at this point that we'll take it.
I'm an embarrassed Creed fan. I always liked Tremonti's style and guitars, and thought the vocalist's tone worked well with the band. I'm not much of a lyric guy, so Mrs. Ignoramus had to explain to me what some of the songs are really about. D'oh. Engage embarrassment drive.

Scott's voice is still there. Very captivating voice.