I've also wanted an HSS Fender Strat with a hard tail for a while now, preferably in Ice Blue Metallic with a Rosewood board. I haven't found any production Fenders that fit the bill in several years of looking.
If you're willing to shell out $2k, you can configure this build in the Fender Mod Shop on the website. Not cheap for what you get, but there you go. Or, you could spec out a Warmoth at a much lower price for probably equal build quality.
Also, one thing to consider if you're used to playing other guitars: If you find a strat you like, just be aware that a lot of players, me included, think the volume pot location on a Strat is awful. It's way too close to the right-hand playing position and gets in the way. On my SSS Strat, I find myself hitting it constantly. You can always have it rewired from three knobs (volume, tone, tone) down to two (volume, global tone) and just use the middle and lower pickguard knob ports, leaving the top port empty.