Well I have a CL+ and my own personal modded
Marshall and they are very different. BUT the CL+ is so much more versatile. The clean channel alone is worth every dollar. The OD channel is very open and not much compression. You have to have the chops to play this amp as it was meant to be played. Also tubes make a HUGE difference in this amp.
When I first got this amp I thought it was too bassy and dull sounding more like a super bass not super lead. But as soon as a FULL set of preamp and power tubes went in it came to life. Nothing special just the stock setup that Suhr recommends , JJ El34's, JJ 12ax7 in V1 and the rest high quality Chinese.
The Feedback control is where the tone shaping and feel of the amp lives. Also it like to play loud, the MV's are great and actually using the FX return as an overall master is better. At low levels it sounds a bit thin and weird but around 2 on the FX return it opens up and sounds great.
I have tried LOTS of speakers and combinations and the best for me is Heritage G12M or EVH's. I picked up an EVH 4x12 and I think I am done. Added a Nova System to the loop just recently and its just dead quiet and simple to setup and use.
Yes I am kinda a fan boy of Suhr and have wanted an OD100 since I heard the original at NAMM in '93 at the Bradshaw booth. Mark Day didn't help with all his great SE+ demos but I just didn't want that much gain and compression. Would love to try an original PT100 but with a boost infront of mine I think it would be in the same territory, actually the KoKo reloaded was awesome with the CL+. Suhr will not mod or update any of the older CAA amps just FYI..
Feel free to PM me any questions its a great amp and can be had at a very reasonable price...