Damn Gibson fakes

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love ESP, own several. but if I'm looking for a real Gibson, there is no substitute IMO.
Those copies look great, and I can understand why people would want one.

That said, I hate to say it, it's because people keep buying them that people keep churning them out.

It would be great if they would just give it their own badge or name. But I have a feeling that the allure would then disappear.

Pretty confident that it's possible for the Chinese or Indians or whoever to copy a guitar down to perfection. When that happens, God help anyone buying guitars online.
"BC Rich got into a lot of trouble with national women's organizations in the 70s for their sexist ads and bich poster.
I wonder if we'll get into any trouble with these organizations from this video? I sincerely hope so." :ROFLMAO:

I miss the days before political correctness corrupted our will, humor, and confidence.
Where's that budweiser party dog when you need him her?
One acronym and three words for ya..

NAMM show Dean girls ?
I guess my phone saw me talking about chibsons here because now I’m being recommended “Chibson players” groups on social media, one group has 11.5k members and they go all out modding these things lol
Gibson has been ripping us off for a long time. People were bound to come along and do a work around. I love my Gibson’s but their price hikes have been out of control for a long time. Charging insane money for basic slabs of mahogany with some pickups in it. It’s not like you’re getting amazing hand finishing on the fretwork on a guitar that’s costing 15-1800, let alone what’s above 2500. More often than not I pick up a new Les Paul and the setup is complete dogshit. If I can get a decent guitar for $250, even with a refret or fretwork and full pickup, electronics replacement I’m way ahead of the game.
I envy people who like PRS guitars. They to me represent actual American quality in attention to detail. Unfortunately I don’t want to play one of those ?
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Yes; I think it was a builder who did legit 59 repros....which we all know can cost 10k or more these days. But I'm not positive; need a Slash head to come in to confirm. The LP he had wasn't a super expensive clone though; they had no cash at that time.
Yup, the guitar was made by custom luthier Kris Derrig. It's a 1959 replica, and he used it for most studio sessions. Comparing it to a Chibson is a bit of a stretch.
Gibson has been ripping us off for a long time. People were bound to come along and do a work around. I love my Gibson’s but their price hikes have been out of control for a long time. Charging insane money for basic slabs of mahogany with some pickups in it. It’s not like you’re getting amazing hand finishing on the fretwork or guitar that’s costing 15-1800, let alone what’s above 2500. More often than not I pick up a new Les Paul and the setup is complete dogshit. If I can get a decent guitar for $250, even with a refret or fretwork and full pickup, electronics replacement I’m way ahead of the game.
I envy people who like PRS guitars. They to me represent actual American quality in attention to detail. Unfortunately I don’t want to play one of those ?
Yeah, me too. I want to like a PRS but just different than my Gibsons.
Gibson has been ripping us off for a long time. People were bound to come along and do a work around. I love my Gibson’s but their price hikes have been out of control for a long time.
I remember the early and mid 2000's when there were faded V's and SG's all over the used market for $350-500. The only thing Gibson has going for them now are their pickups. I can put those in any hunk of shit foreign axe and sound like I just took a dip in the Murphy Lab fanboi club swimming pool.
So who made the new president’s guitars? I saw Gibson complained about those.
Yes; I think it was a builder who did legit 59 repros....which we all know can cost 10k or more these days. But I'm not positive; need a Slash head to come in to confirm. The LP he had wasn't a super expensive clone though; they had no cash at that time.
They had a decent amount of cash due to the advance they got from Geffen but they blew thru it pretty quick. The Les Paul replica was given to him by their manager at the time. He couldn’t get the sound he wanted from his BC Rich Warlock but I think it was used on parts of Night Train
I was already terrified to purchase a used Gibson and this didn't help.

I'm not one for conspiracy theories but seeing Gibson and the government working together gives makes me thoughts that this is a false flag operation. Kill the used market and make people buy new. $$$
That's why they sent out the executive for the press conference. I think they want this to get as much attention as possible to make people feel safer buying new. I bought both my Gibsons used; they are expensive enough already without paying tax.
Check out this fake ESP
Can you tell its fake? yeah you can but im going to have fun with it changing out the tuners, pots pickups etc. Ill have about $600 in it when all said and done.

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