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What color are the Siren's eyes?

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Well-known member
Congratulations on surviving the day two Meet Your Neighbor Quest. @311splawndude @japetus @Smashedguitaris⸸ @DanTravis62 @MadAsAHatter @7704A @VonBonfire @Monkey Man @JustinCorrigible @sondoke @Techdeth

Unfortunately, we had lost a few players from dying in their sleep.
We were also graced by a special guest star appearance from @BeZo for their role as zombie #1
@Exo-metal decided to invade our universe and was put in the queue until the next season.
The rest of you were extremely brave. Heroic, even.

The results of your decisions on day two can be found here:

Day 3:

You look back to see her standing in the doorway, curly red locks...

Congratulations on surviving the day two Meet Your Neighbor Quest. @311splawndude @japetus @Smashedguitaris⸸ @DanTravis62 @MadAsAHatter @7704A @VonBonfire @Monkey Man @JustinCorrigible @sondoke @Techdeth

Unfortunately, we had lost a few players from dying in their sleep.
We were also graced by a special guest star appearance from @BeZo for their role as zombie #1
@Exo-metal decided to invade our universe and was put in the queue until the next season.
The rest of you were extremely brave. Heroic, even.

The results of your decisions on day two can be found here:

Day 3:

You look back to see her standing in the doorway, curly red locks...


I didn't get the correct answer for the trivia question about where do girls have the curliest hair? Apparently it's Fiji.
I didn't get the correct answer for the trivia question about where do girls have the curliest hair? Apparently it's Fiji.
I would have figured downstairs.
Though, I suppose it's not the 70s anymore. 🤷‍♀️

I go thru a lot of Fender 351 Classic Celluloid Heavy Guitar Picks.


Playing the guitar will do that to you.
Have you tried internet trolling on for size?
It's all the rage with the kids these days.
@NowYou'rePlayingWithPower - gurl, I'm heading to Denver with my wife tomorrow to see 311 at Red Rocks this weekend. Because I will only have my phone and will be partially obliterated :lol:

Therefore, can you tell me what/when I need to do next so I can look for it?

Never mind: I see the new Poll so I can knock this out now. Correct? Can you tell me if there will be anything to look for over the weekend?
YARN | I have no idea what's going on, but I am excited! | Friends (1994) -  S10E17/18 The Last One (1) | Video clips by quotes | d0ed2bf4 | 紗
@NowYou'rePlayingWithPower - gurl, I'm heading to Denver with my wife tomorrow to see 311 at Red Rocks this weekend. Because I will only have my phone and will be partially obliterated :LOL:

Therefore, can you tell me what/when I need to do next so I can look for it?

Never mind: I see the new Poll so I can knock this out now. Correct? Can you tell me if there will be anything to look for over the weekend?

You're all good.
Probably nothing new until Sunday or Monday, but will leave open a few days, anyway.
Have fun at the show!

Heartache lifts as you stare into her eyes. Solos of 1980s power ballads flow through your mind. After an awkward few minutes, she finally opens up "Okay well, enjoy the amp. Or don't. Whatevs." You break out of your trance in time to respond with a simple "thanks" that happened to include a bit of high pitched voice cracking alteration as if you're going through puberty, again.

She believes you harmless and invites you over for dinner later. Pumped by the thought, you spend the afternoon playing with your instrument. No, not that one. The one with strings. You decide that you're going to play the new "Wonderfall" song that you somewhat poorly just learned. Personally, as the gamemaster I don't think this is a wise move, but hey I'm not here to judge your heart's wants.

Dinner. Siren neighbor's house. Later at some time.

Post dinner you pull out the guitar in an attempt to impress as she starts cleaning up. Fortunately for you that it was in this very moment when you looked out the window and noticed an odd thing. Your house is on fire. Taking a moment to really process the situation, she asks you if you would care for any desert. No, not her. Pie or something, I dunno. Pay attention.

You run out of her house to bewilderment. She follows to the door to see what's with all of the commotion, where she finds you crying like a baby to the destruction of your home. "Luckily, all of your gear is in my home," she quips as if thinking this was the right moment for jokes. Fire department shows up, yada yada.

"Your roommate is dead," the investigator tells you. "He appears to have tried jumping into the bathtub to avoid the fire and ended up drowning, instead. Strange shit, but I've seen stranger," As he walks off while leaving you with few clues to any reasoning. "Care to stay the night?" Your neighbor asks on approach. Mostly, seeing that you're harmless. But also now homeless.

-1 Roommate


@Smashedguitaris⸸ @MadAsAHatter

"Oceanburst! Great favor of the Gods!" You think. She immediately notices your interest and proceeds to wine and dine YOU! After a wild and passionate night that forces the thoughts of your ex out of your head, you awake to the reality that you really just went home after the whole amp event and passed out for a few more hours. Mostly, the gamemaster is just fucking with you because you think you're going to win a Siren's heart that easily while rocking such a flaccid charisma level? You'll need more than that to seduce even a harpy.

Off to the bathroom, where you find yourself space cadetting out in the mirror as is often the routine. Nothing unusual here except for your roommate who appears to have drowned in the bathtub. As the floor starts flooding from the overflowing tub, you run back to your room for your phone. Also, for your gear since you really don't want to check the "Wet V30 Bandits did this" box on your insurance claim. Trying to calm yourself from the scenario, you pull out a joint and relax for a few minutes.

"Fuck!" You pull out your phone...

As you await an ambulance, your house suddenly bursts into flames. "Water and old electrical?" you later ask the investigator. "Not this time, Im afraid," he responds. "Tag, you're it!" He chuckles and walks off leaving you puzzled. The Siren neighbor approaches. "Need a place to stay tonight?" She asks.

-1 Roommate


@sondoke @japetus @Monkey Man

You cannot help but notice the fire in her eyes. As if emitting the flames of her very soul. Nearly hypnotized by what seems to be a paranormal experience, you snap out of it to the look on her face and the morphing banshee nature of her voice. "Behind you! BEHIND YOU!!!" She shouts and points. You turn to your home and her eyes reflections read true; horrors of a raging inferno.

You have lost your home and all of your starting pawnshop gear to the blaze. Oh, and also your roommate. But he was a dick, anyway.
You retain all of the cash you have obtained, including that which came from the dream sequence "under your mattress" ending in the conclusion thread if you chose to partake and won. You also still hold the Thomas the Traincrash Amp unless it was lost to the garbage truck, earlier.

The investigation finds that the fire started at the mattress. "I've seen this situation before," The investigator says. "It occurs sometimes after people remove the tag that says not to remove... Anyways, ticking time bomb, if you ask me. You're lucky you weren't sleeping in it when it happened. No mushroom will bring back your house, sorry" he concludes and walks away. Looks like you're couch surfing for a while.

"You can stay with me tonight," the Siren says.

-All of your gear, sans any amp you may currently be holding
-1 Roommate

@311splawndude @JustinCorrigible @7704A

Darkness, it seems. Feeling possessed by the collapsed star like eyes of the Siren; you barely notice the car driving torwards you until the very last moment. It's your ex girlfriend you conclude in slow motion as your life flashes before your eyes. "Perhaps the eyes were a warning of things to come?" Your last thought as she plows you into the back of the trash compactor. Where you don't die of dysentery, but are instead ...crushed.

You've just given provenance to the surviving Thomas the Traincrash amp that's now covered in your... matter. So, congratulations on that win! Though, only if you had managed to save it from the garbage truck that you now call your coffin, earlier. Not that it's going to mean much to you at this point. Your death was mostly metal, and the local scene agrees.

Unless of course you ate that breakfast with the green mushrooms. Than you still be jammin because the guitar amp was in the compactor with you and slowed it for your escape. The Siren invites you over to her home that night since you're apparently so fucking interesting all of a sudden for surving the trash compactor experience unscathed. Oh, also your house burns down in the middle of the night killing your roommate. Fortunately you have your wallet with all of the cash to this point.

If you didn't eat that green mushroom breakfast, than I should probably tell you that your ex survived and moved in with your roommate the next day in a house that doesn't end up burning down. Not that I'm trying to pile on or anything. The silver lining in all of this that you should really be focusing on anyway is that your mattress didn't spontaneously combust since you never ripped the tag off. So, there's that.

-1 Life
+1 Amp covered in you
-1 Amp covered in you sold to person in Scandinavia by someone with the username trash_collector69 on fleabay.
-All of your gear
Depending on your circumstance -1 roommate
Unlocked Local Legend trophy