Deciding on my only Boutique Amp

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I very much enjoyed my Helios. It sounds like the OP may want a single channel that can do clean to mean with the guitar volume pot. The Helios can do this in 70's mode but he will need a pedal for heavier gain because the amp is not switchable from 80's to 70's. Killer amp though.

I was surprised how good the clean channel on the Plexi side is. Very fat and clear with the B1 or 2 engaged, and takes drive pedals really well.
Additional info ….. yeah I like to keep it simple with as few pedals as possible . Like Skid Row’s tone on Slave To The Grind , Alice In Chains Facelift tone etc . Bit of Danzig too .
Tried the Bogner Ecstasy 3534 yesterday which was impressive, covered a lot of ground with minimal fuss , Clean .. Crunch , insane gain with boosts all on one foot switch ?
If thats what you want go for it but thats a far cry from Rory Gallagher :unsure:
Additional info ….. yeah I like to keep it simple with as few pedals as possible . Like Skid Row’s tone on Slave To The Grind , Alice In Chains Facelift tone etc . Bit of Danzig too .
Tried the Bogner Ecstasy 3534 yesterday which was impressive, covered a lot of ground with minimal fuss , Clean .. Crunch , insane gain with boosts all on one foot switch ?
I REALLY like those those tones too.
I'd say you are squarely in the modded Marshall camp.
The Splawn was a good rec but won't have the saturation of the 3534 (which I've never played). The Splawns are considered by most as tight, dry, articulate, punchy, etc with tons of low end. The low end is tight though. Pretty hard to flub out. I don't consider Slave or Facelift or Pumpkins to be tight. You know what I mean? I think you would be happier with the Bogner or a Friedman of some sort.
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Additional info ….. yeah I like to keep it simple with as few pedals as possible . Like Skid Row’s tone on Slave To The Grind , Alice In Chains Facelift tone etc . Bit of Danzig too .
Tried the Bogner Ecstasy 3534 yesterday which was impressive, covered a lot of ground with minimal fuss , Clean .. Crunch , insane gain with boosts all on one foot switch ?
The 3534 is the best sounding, best channel switcher I've owned. Add an EQ in the loop and it kills. I'd be completely satisfied if it was my only amp......though things might change with this Wizard clone I got yesterday :unsure:
I thought of something else you could look into if you're willing to explore options off the beaten path.

Check out the Synergy modular stuff. A Syn30 or Syn50 head with a couple of modules. Several boutique builders are involved with this and actually design their namesakes module. Steven Fryette pulled some of his buddies in to design everything. So Fryette, Bogner, Friedman, Soldano, etc. all designed the modules of their namesake amps. And the Synergy branded modules are modeled after other popular amps. Like the IICP module is based on a Mesa Mark IIC+ (and it sounds awesome by the way).

The heads have a nice sounding clean channel built in. The Syn30 accepts 1 module & the Syn50 accepts 2. Quick turn of a couple of thumb screws is all it takes to switch out modules and can be done on the fly while the amp is hot. The modules aren't an exact 1:1 of the full amps but they are pretty darn close and sound great. It's a little bit of an up front cost for a head and a module or two. But after that if you want a change or just try something new the modules are like $400 each. And all the Synergy stuff is backwards compatible with the older Randall & Eganter modules. I got into it as a way to try some stuff from some of these boutique builders without having to sink $2000+ each time I wanted to try something different. The only downside to doing the Synergy thing is the temptation of going down the rabbit hole and buying all the modules out there. It can be addictive.
Gjika 10n and 2x12 if you want desert island tone. Class A so you get full tilt boogie from whisper quiet bedroom to full-bore stage volume.

Price? $7,500 for a quarter stack.
Soldano SLO.
Maybe a Dirty Shirley.
Or, a tried a true JCM800.

I still say don't overlook a Budda SD80

I was surprised how good the clean channel on the Plexi side is. Very fat and clear with the B1 or 2 engaged, and takes drive pedals really well.
Yup. The question is does the OP want his higher gain by using a pedal or having an amp that can do clean to mean with just the volume knob of the guitar. Anything with diode clipping will not be his best bet.

A channel switcher is another good option for him. I like my Wizards for this. Easy to set the rhythm channel up for a mid gain tone and then use the volume knob on the guitar. Problem is with most amps you lose too much volume when using the guitar volume for lean to mean. An amp that can go from cleans to high gain and not lose much volume is hard to come by.

The number one best amp I have used that does this as good as can be is a modded JCM 800 I have. It's where the added circuitry is placed that makes it unique and allows from clean to mean with hardly any volume loss but this won't help the OP :). Has some downsides like ;it is not great at low volume, but all amps are give and take.
You're screwed.
No matter what you decide on,you will eventually want to try something else.
Here is the BEST advice you will get.
If you liked the Bogner a lot, jump on it and jump off the internet.
I think the Bogner checks all his boxes, for sure.
Yup. The question is does the OP want his higher gain by using a pedal or having an amp that can do clean to mean with just the volume knob of the guitar. Anything with diode clipping will not be his best bet.

A channel switcher is another good option for him. I like my Wizards for this. Easy to set the rhythm channel up for a mid gain tone and then use the volume knob on the guitar. Problem is with most amps you lose too much volume when using the guitar volume for lean to mean. An amp that can go from cleans to high gain and not lose much volume is hard to come by.

The number one best amp I have used that does this as good as can be is a modded JCM 800 I have. It's where the added circuitry is placed that makes it unique and allows from clean to mean with hardly any volume loss but this won't help the OP :). Has some downsides like ;it is not great at low volume, but all amps are give and take.
Need a good guitar with good wiring/treble bleeds. Quality wiring will certainly make clean to mean with the volume knob that much more achievable with an equally expressive amp that cleans up nicely. The guitar definitely plays a role.
Napalm is right. A bad guitar can fuck a good amp up for sure. I know I have a million recomendations for you as far as what amps are best. But if you live near one of us, you could try our amps and that would be a badass way to see which of the boutique amps you might like. I live in Austin area, if you are in texas, We seem to be the Wizard capitol of america. And I would recommend you to get a Wizard or Hermansson either one sight unseen. But where you located? I am sure one of us is close to you that has something interesting to play
Napalm is right. A bad guitar can fuck a good amp up for sure. I know I have a million recomendations for you as far as what amps are best. But if you live near one of us, you could try our amps and that would be a badass way to see which of the boutique amps you might like. I live in Austin area, if you are in texas, We seem to be the Wizard capitol of america. And I would recommend you to get a Wizard or Hermansson either one sight unseen. But where you located? I am sure one of us is close to you that has something interesting to play
This is why I love Rig-Talk <3

Hello ,
Long time viewer , very occasional poster. Looking for some opinions or suggestions. I’m retiring from Fire Service at the end of the month after 25 years and going to finally treat myself to a quality amp and annoy everybody lol .
I’m not one for loads of options or too many pedals , basically plug in and play kinda guy.
Style is everything from heavy aggressive blues ie Rory Gallagher up to The Smashing Pumpkins.
So far I’m liking Divided by 13 AMW 39 head or Bogner Ecstasy 3534 head .
It’s gotta be made in company’s own factory and built like a tank . Appreciate any feedback .

Thanks , J
A lot of the amps being recommended aren’t built in the company’s own factory. Many of them are built by BAD (Boutique Amp Distribution)
Some great amps recommended here, but, to further cloud the issue, there's been no mention of two of my favorites: Suhr PT-15 (2.5 great sounding channels) or the Landry LS30 (simple clean, gain channel with a boost). Both are great Modded-Marshall derivatives with a smaller footprint and, although they are lower-wattage, they can get Loud! Much will depend on your budget and your usage circumstances. A new PT-15IR is around $2500 and Bill is currently offering the LS30 for $1665 (usually $1850).
Additional info ….. yeah I like to keep it simple with as few pedals as possible . Like Skid Row’s tone on Slave To The Grind , Alice In Chains Facelift tone etc . Bit of Danzig too .
Tried the Bogner Ecstasy 3534 yesterday which was impressive, covered a lot of ground with minimal fuss , Clean .. Crunch , insane gain with boosts all on one foot switch ?
Slave to the Grind was Rivera M series. Love the tones on that album
There's always gonna be greener grass on the other side; it's a mug's game to limit yourself to just one in-perpetuity IMHO.

I'd grab a Kemper and be done with amp GAS for good. I mean, you might still get GAS once in a while but then it'd be a simple matter of acquiring a bunch of Profiles for free or next-to-nothing.

Not quite the same thing of course, but when you take into account the 2 grand or less it takes to get into the ecosystem and the 95%+ emulation accuracy of both sound and feel, it's a no-brainer for someone on a bit of a budget IMHO.

If money isn't an issue, personally I'd not limit myself to just one. Maybe a great Fender, great Bogner and a Matchless or something.
I thought of something else you could look into if you're willing to explore options off the beaten path.

Check out the Synergy modular stuff. A Syn30 or Syn50 head with a couple of modules. Several boutique builders are involved with this and actually design their namesakes module. Steven Fryette pulled some of his buddies in to design everything. So Fryette, Bogner, Friedman, Soldano, etc. all designed the modules of their namesake amps. And the Synergy branded modules are modeled after other popular amps. Like the IICP module is based on a Mesa Mark IIC+ (and it sounds awesome by the way).

The heads have a nice sounding clean channel built in. The Syn30 accepts 1 module & the Syn50 accepts 2. Quick turn of a couple of thumb screws is all it takes to switch out modules and can be done on the fly while the amp is hot. The modules aren't an exact 1:1 of the full amps but they are pretty darn close and sound great. It's a little bit of an up front cost for a head and a module or two. But after that if you want a change or just try something new the modules are like $400 each. And all the Synergy stuff is backwards compatible with the older Randall & Eganter modules. I got into it as a way to try some stuff from some of these boutique builders without having to sink $2000+ each time I wanted to try something different. The only downside to doing the Synergy thing is the temptation of going down the rabbit hole and buying all the modules out there. It can be addictive.
Thanks for the info … might just be worth checking out ?
Napalm is right. A bad guitar can fuck a good amp up for sure. I know I have a million recomendations for you as far as what amps are best. But if you live near one of us, you could try our amps and that would be a badass way to see which of the boutique amps you might like. I live in Austin area, if you are in texas, We seem to be the Wizard capitol of america. And I would recommend you to get a Wizard or Hermansson either one sight unseen. But where you located? I am sure one of us is close to you that has something interesting to play
I’m in Glasgow ???????, however local music shops have a fair selection of some of the recommendations to try ?