DEF LEPPARD 'High 'n' Dry' 40th Anniversary

Wasn't High And Dry recorded using Angus and Malcolm's gear from the Back In Black sessions? I thought that was the story that Mutt Lange already had the studio booked and squeezed Def Leppard in after AC/DC wrapped up.
Unlikely as Back in Black was recorded in the Bahamas a full year before High and Dry (which was recorded in London)
My favorite Lep album. I still play the Let it Go riff frequently. So many good songs including Lady Strange.
The verse arpeggiated guitars in Bringin’ On The Heartbreak have always impressed me, mostly as a fantastic piece of music but also as a little more sophisticated than the usual choices a band of the time would make.
My favorite Lep album. I still play the Let it Go riff frequently. So many good songs including Lady Strange.
This is my all time favorite of theirs and that guitar tone is epic to me! I liked their first as well and Pyromania was the last of theirs that I cared for . When they became a slick polished pop rock band with Hysteria and beyond I stopped listening to them pretty quick as I couldn't stand the bubblegum watered down pop rock they were making but they got really rich I guess so I'm sure their laughing all the way to the bank.