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So if I have this right, 3 million deaths from Coronavirus and it's a hoax no more dangerous than the common cold. But 3,000 deaths after taking a vaccine shot and it's the most dangerous scourge in the history of humanity. Just checking if I have the addle-brained conspiracy theory illogic correct.
How can the right wingers be so gullible? I guess the same way left wingers are.
The benefits outweigh the risk by millions to one so fuck off @Nigel and your garbage lies you post.
66 year old man in a senior home? 93 year old dead? Give me a break!

30 million vaccine survivors in the USA. YAY
So if I have this right, 3 million deaths from Coronavirus and it's a hoax no more dangerous than the common cold. But 3,000 deaths after taking a vaccine shot and it's the most dangerous scourge in the history of humanity. Just checking if I have the addle-brained conspiracy theory illogic correct.
How can the right wingers be so gullible? I guess the same way left wingers are.
The benefits outweigh the risk by millions to one so fuck off @Nigel and your garbage lies you post.
66 year old man in a senior home? 93 year old dead? Give me a break!

30 million vaccine survivors in the USA. YAY
You know, I often find myself thinking that sitting down and having a conversation with you two would be good. Then I realize I can go to my kitchen and and have a conversation with a spoon that would be more fulfilling AND informative.
You know, I often find myself thinking that sitting down and having a conversation with you two would be good. Then I realize I can go to my kitchen and and have a conversation with a spoon that would be more fulfilling AND informative.
And the spoon is right on your level. So there's that too.
You know, I often find myself thinking that sitting down and having a conversation with you two would be good. Then I realize I can go to my kitchen and and have a conversation with a spoon that would be more fulfilling AND informative.

Growing up I once knew a person who claimed to have telekinesis. They said they could stop a train with their mind. Well, one day they went out on the tracks and tried with all of their might, but sadly they were not successful. Later that day, the chef in the dining cart noticed all the spoons and forks were bent.
That doc was fake but hey, there are idiots who believed it because it had pictures. :hys:
Missed the point again didn't you Eugene?
Of course, it's all fakes and conspiracy theories to better support your disfunction isn't it?
You didn't know there were conspiracy theorist doctors and scientists?
I believe the point was that you are an idiot who believes every right-wing conspiracy theory he reads, no matter how devoid of crediblitiy the source.
Thank you. You just helped me prove my point.
You didn't know there were conspiracy theorist doctors and scientists?
What do you call the crap that left-wingers believe and suck up like there's no tomorrow? Funny how it's all the right-wingers who are conspiracy theorists. I guess that makes them THINKERS and CHALLENGERS of the government, whereas libtards are willing to swallow anything (literally).
I would comment, but what Nigel said was too stupid to waste the time.