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Correct me if I'm wrong, Nigel, but wasn't it also a few doctors from the Front Line that suggested the following (in hefty doses for 6-7 days):
Quercetin, NAC, Zinc, Selenium and Vitamins C & D? All available for pennies a day (or maybe a buck or so) from any healthfood store? What some may not realize is that doctors a hundred or so years ago were very much Naturopaths... and then the Rockefellers (Rothchilds) stepped in and established the FDA and another agency (can't recall the name) and everything became chemicals/pills vs. natural medicines... and anyone supporting the latter were considered quacks.
For those who think that the number of deaths, and those suffering serious consequences, from the vaccine are so much lower than the numbers dying from covid itself, what has to be considered is this: a vast majority dying from covid is the same as the regular flu... about age 82-85. However, many deaths, as well as seizures, neurological disorders, etc., are occurring in people who are young enough and healthy enough to combat covid with some basic items, e.g., vitamin D. In fact, most people who test positive for covid (if you can trust that, since there are so many false positivies), are LOW in Vitamin D and Zinc, both of which are required for a strong immune system.
For those who think that the number of deaths, and those suffering serious consequences, from the vaccine are so much lower than the numbers dying from covid itself, what has to be considered is this: a vast majority dying from covid is the same as the regular flu... about age 82-85.
I prove this wrong, yet you keep saying it. Must be nice to be in your own world.
I prove this wrong, yet you keep saying it. Must be nice to be in your own world.
You proved it? LOL. Giving an opinion is not proof Fu Man Chu. How about the video I just put up by a medical doctor in the UK, who uses the gov't own stats to prove MORE PEOPLE DIED FROM THE COMMON FLU IN THE PAST PREVIOUS YEARS THAN FROM COVID. I want to hear your data so that you can prove Vernon Cole wrong. I sit with bated breath.
You proved it? LOL. Giving an opinion is not proof Fu Man Chu. How about the video I just put up by a medical doctor in the UK, who uses the gov't own stats to prove MORE PEOPLE DIED FROM THE COMMON FLU IN THE PAST PREVIOUS YEARS THAN FROM COVID. I want to hear your data so that you can prove Vernon Cole wrong. I sit with bated breath.
That's simple, I don't even have to look it up. Since the Spanish Flu, 700,000 people or more have never died from the flu in a year. 3 million people have died from Covid in the last year. I wouldn't listen to the UK doctor.
That's simple, I don't even have to look it up. Since the Spanish Flu, 700,000 people or more have never died from the flu in a year. 3 million people have died from Covid in the last year. I wouldn't listen to the UK doctor.
Of course you wouldn't listen... it actually contains statics, which libtards hate. They prefer calling people Nazis and conspiracy theorists. Out of 7+ billion, 3 million died, which is the typical number of THE FLU. Do you know what percentage that is? Fuckin' low. And how many died from other causes, yet covid was listed as the cause? Even the CDC (more stats) confirmed that nearly 80% DID NOT die from covid, but from other causes while having covid. If someone had the flu and died of a heart attack, would 'flu' be listed? It never happened in the past, but it does NOW. Sheep.
Oh you better believe I know. Short, to the point, and accurate:

That's conspiracy theory, you Nazi! LOL (I had to add the LOL, since most libtards don't understand sarcasm or wit, which is why they can't meme or understand the concept of a meme).
That's simple, I don't even have to look it up. Since the Spanish Flu, 700,000 people or more have never died from the flu in a year. 3 million people have died from Covid in the last year. I wouldn't listen to the UK doctor.
1918... world population of 1.6 billion, with 700k deaths (0.44%). Today's population 7.9 billion with APPARENTLY 3 million deaths (0.037%) all the while, the typical flu is non-existent, but which kills a few hundred thousand annually (hmmm)... and the CDC already established that most people recorded as having died form covid HAS NOT, but continue to ignore that FACT). You are putting an untested concoction of chemicals in your body, although you have a 99.7% chance of survival of something that is killing people mostly over age 80 with other health conditions... with a chemical mixture that is only about 80% effective at best, with possible serious side effects. Brilliant logic, Einstein (sarcasm, by the way, since libtards typically don't get sarcasm and you may think I'm actually calling you Einstein).
1918... world population of 1.6 billion, with 700k deaths (0.44%). Today's population 7.9 billion with APPARENTLY 3 million deaths (0.037%) all the while, the typical flu is non-existent, but which kills a few hundred thousand annually (hmmm)... and the CDC already established that most people recorded as having died form covid HAS NOT, but continue to ignore that FACT). You are putting an untested concoction of chemicals in your body, although you have a 99.7% chance of survival of something that is killing people mostly over age 80 with other health conditions... with a chemical mixture that is only about 80% effective at best, with possible serious side effects. Brilliant logic, Einstein (sarcasm, by the way, since libtards typically don't get sarcasm and you may think I'm actually calling you Einstein).
50 million people died from the flu in 1918. 518,000 died from the flu in 2004, which was the highest year in the last 50. 6.43 billion adjusted to today's 7.9 billion = 636,000 dead. Far short of 3 million. As for ignoring your so-called "FACT," go read a CDC report. Not only is what you say not a fact, it isn't remotely true. Also, the Pfizer vaccine is 95% EFFECTIVE, NOT 80%.
50 million people died from the flu in 1918. 518,000 died from the flu in 2004, which was the highest year in the last 50. 6.43 billion adjusted to today's 7.9 billion = 636,000 dead. Far short of 3 million. As for ignoring your so-called "FACT," go read a CDC report. Not only is what you say not a fact, it isn't remotely true. Also, the Pfizer vaccine is 95% EFFECTIVE, NOT 80%.
Sorry, your writing confused me, as I read it that 700k died. OK, so the Spanish Flu infected 1/3 of the world's population... and killed off 50 million with 1.6 billion people. This scamdemic has 'apparently' killed off 3 million out of 7.9 billion. Can't see the difference? And the CDC already came out, and it has been reported on for a few months now, but since that has been posted more than once, no need to reiterate. Pfizer 90% effective? My immune system is 99.7% effective. Why would I take an experimental jab with toxins if what I have naturally is better?