Did Trump lie to me?

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Trump told me my taxes would be lowered and my healthcare would be much improved over the current healthcare I have.

Why would he lie to me or do you think he needs another 4 years to get it done? :cry:
Sitedrifter":1icixo79 said:
Trump told me my taxes would be lowered and my healthcare would be much improved over the current healthcare I have.

Why would he lie to me or do you think he needs another 4 years to get it done? :cry:
FAR LESS than ANY Democrat & ANY politician before him. :thumbsup:

Trump may NOT be perfect but he's STILL the best the country has had in over 50yrs. Also, use your limited brain & realise he has to HAVE congress behind him to deliver what he said he was going to do. Stupid fuck, stop blaming Trump for what congress has let him down doing. :thumbsdown:

You pillow biting Bi-Polar whack job.
:shocked: :shocked:

:gethim: :gethim: :gethim: :gethim: :gethim: :gethim: :gethim: :gethim: :gethim: :gethim: :gethim: :gethim: :gethim: :gethim: :gethim: :gethim: :gethim:
Sitedrifter":2ls95qzv said:
Trump told me my taxes would be lowered and my healthcare would be much improved over the current healthcare I have.

Why would he lie to me or do you think he needs another 4 years to get it done? :cry:

You must do really well for yourself if your taxes aren't lower.
WGAF":4syvdix0 said:
Sitedrifter":4syvdix0 said:
Trump told me my taxes would be lowered and my healthcare would be much improved over the current healthcare I have.

Why would he lie to me or do you think he needs another 4 years to get it done? :cry:
FAR LESS than ANY Democrat & ANY politician before him. :thumbsup:

Trump may NOT be perfect but he's STILL the best the country has had in over 50yrs. Also, use your limited brain & realise he has to HAVE congress behind him to deliver what he said he was going to do. Stupid fuck, stop blaming Trump for what congress has let him down doing. :thumbsdown:

You pillow biting Bi-Polar whack job.
:shocked: :shocked:

:gethim: :gethim: :gethim: :gethim: :gethim: :gethim: :gethim: :gethim: :gethim: :gethim: :gethim: :gethim: :gethim: :gethim: :gethim: :gethim: :gethim:

Define best?

Also your an ass wipe as Trump nor his sheeplings in the senate have proposed ANY health bill. Also asswipe, you don't need congress or the senate if you use the nuclear finance option like Obama did to get his shit passed without congress.

There are ways to get stuff done you asswipe just like trump did to get the military trillions of dollars and billions for the fucking wall. How did he do that, fucked with my taxes you asswipe that his how he got the wall money you asswipe

When you can define Best in regards to the 45th I will be ready to read it, asswipe.

At Ease Asswipe!
sutepaj":11pbs58g said:
Sitedrifter":11pbs58g said:
Trump told me my taxes would be lowered and my healthcare would be much improved over the current healthcare I have.

Why would he lie to me or do you think he needs another 4 years to get it done? :cry:

You must do really well for yourself if your taxes aren't lower.

ROTFLMAO. whose taxes are lower besides wealthy people?

Do you own a home, are you fucked on claiming property taxes and mortgage interest like I and millions others are? Fucking Trump is a piece of shit double taxation lover. This is what he is doing and will keep doing it to the middle class.
Trump definitely lied to me when he said I would get tired of winning .

Despite that I'll vote to give incumbent Trump another 4 years , if he can get another SC pick or two in that time it will be well worth it . Joe Bidens already had 40 years to achieve his goals and now that he is the same age as when Ronald Regan left office and already in mental decline I don't think extending his Government career would be practical or beneficial overall.
This can be answered by the ole joke; "How do you know if a politician is lying to you...when their lips are moving."
spliffsperlunk":34gvra5h said:
Trump definitely lied to me when he said I would get tired of winning .

Despite that I'll vote to give incumbent Trump another 4 years , if he can get another SC pick or two in that time it will be well worth it . Joe Bidens already had 40 years to achieve his goals and now that he is the same age as when Ronald Regan left office and already in mental decline I don't think extending his Government career would be practical or beneficial overall.

Ok, I give you that to you. If Trump gets another 4, we will have at least one more Conservative SCJ appointed. That is a good thing. But still does not help my pockets.
Sitedrifter":2s30wpxf said:
Trump told me my taxes would be lowered and my healthcare would be much improved over the current healthcare I have.

Why would he lie to me or do you think he needs another 4 years to get it done? :cry:

While all politicians lie..... you must have conveniently forgot the President OBAMA toured the country proclaiming that OBAMACARE would reduce EVERYONES HEALTHCARE COSTS $2500's a year. That was when most people health insurance had $2500 deductibles per year or less even.

This was a Trojan horse to begin the socialist takeover of America, Obamacare was designed to continually raise costs until people screamed for a single payer Communist style system. Don't believe me? Look up the guy who wrote the entire plan, his name is Jonathan Gruber, he has admitted to this in multiple interviews, which are probably scrubbed from the internet by now since Google has instituted the Orwellian Memory Hole, but he never backed away from his statements, he was proud of his achievement.

Obama and the communist beaurocrats in Washington is the reason most everyone has employer insurance with a $6000.00 annual deductible, not President Trump. Actually monthly prices for these shit policies started coming down under Trump for the first time because Trump forced insurance companies to compete since Obamacare's inception. This was not part of the plan, it was designed to fail. If you think your medical care sucks now just wait until the government runs it, just ask the VA vets how bad it has been. Trump finally instituted changes to fix the VA broken system. I have family in the UK and they usually either can't get needed care or have to pay a private provider to get it done in any reasonable length of time.

So if you like rioting in the streets, looting, and murder for your personal political persuasions then I guess your choice for president is easy. Please research what the top Communist leaders did to most of the rank and file revolutionaries after they achieve their goals in just about every socialist/communist take over in history. I'll give you a hint... they call them Gulags and concentration camps or they shot you down in the streets. Stalin had to kill almost all of his secret police because they enjoyed killing russians so much he could not control or trust any of them.
harddriver":2p8kd5b3 said:
Look up the guy who wrote the entire plan, his name is Jonathan Gruber, he has admitted to this in multiple interviews, which are probably scrubbed from the internet by now since Google has instituted the Orwellian Memory Hole, but he never backed away from his statements, he was proud of his achievement.

I would love nothing more than to slowly murder that fuck Gruber.

Well, I got a list, and he's on it. :gethim:
SpiderWars":webk5pxq said:
This can be answered by the ole joke; "How do you know if a politician is lying to you...when their lips are moving."

that's why they want masks to be mandatory
Obamacare sucks and has caused extreme price hikes in health benefits.
Imagine what the fuck will happen if Biden gets in?

Trump sucks but not as bad as the libtards and Krull the chief ambassador of I WANNA BE A US CITIZEN organization.
sytharnia1560":2oizttk2 said:
SpiderWars":2oizttk2 said:
This can be answered by the ole joke; "How do you know if a politician is lying to you...when their lips are moving."

that's why they want masks to be mandatory
:lol: :LOL:
Krull":2j3hirjx said:
Siteclown is a bipolar schizoid. End of quote.

He does have some imaginary good days, nowhere near as creepy as the psychotic SlothNutz.
Why do people think that using a font 50 or caps lock makes them sound more relevant?
K-Roll":4y5ize0b said:
Why do people think that using a font 50 or caps lock makes them sound more relevant?

It is a left over from the AOL days. It means your yelling and WGAF and Krull sure need to yell since their voices are muffled in the glamour and glitz of the Biden campaign. :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL:
K-Roll":12f04v71 said:
Why do people think that using a font 50 or caps lock makes them sound more relevant?

Because I'm smarter than YOU two kunts. :thumbsup:

:gethim: :gethim: :gethim: :gethim: :gethim: :gethim: :gethim: :gethim: :gethim: :gethim: :gethim: :gethim:
Sitedrifter":36ax0q7s said:
Why would he lie to me or do you think he needs another 4 years to get it done? :cry:
I have a question. :)

Mr. Drive-by, how is it that in less than 70 years, America has accelerated from zero to Mach 1 advancing and revolutionized all technology way above and beyond anything that has been created in the past 70,000 years?

No pseudoscientific stuff here or complex logarithms Mr. Unit Circle Brassiere. :thumbsup: