This is THE dumbest thing I have ever heardEnough to guarantee that I’ll outlive you and your bloodlines.
Shouldn’t all the other jarheads be dying too?
Even from HIM? That's impressive considering he's a continuous vomit stream of tard-rage.This is THE dumbest thing I have ever heard
Must’ve stung hard.This is THE dumbest thing I have ever heard
Is the man-bun too tight? Seriously, what's the deal here?Must’ve stung hard.
You still haven't figured out the vaccine doesn't last more than a few months? BahahahahaMust’ve stung hard.
Shocking video shows Alissa Carlson Schwartz of CBS affiliate KCAL, about to deliver the morning’s weather report, suddenly go pale with her eyes rolling back into her head before finally collapsing to the floor.
Her co-anchors Nichelle Medina and Rachel Kim at first didn’t notice Schwartz had fainted.
“Alissa, this really is the calm before the storm,” Kim said before letting out a surprised “oh!” upon realizing her colleague was on the ground.
“You know, we’re going to go ahead and go to break, right now,” Medina told the audience.
“Yeah,” Kim agreed.
CBS Los Angeles Vice President and News Director Mike Dello Stritto issued a statement hours after Schwartz fainted, confirming she had been hospitalized.
“Our colleague Alissa Carlson became ill during our 7 AM newscast this morning. I want to thank her co-workers who took immediate action to comfort Alissa and call 911,” Stritto told TMZ.
“Alissa is being treated at the hospital right now. Hopefully we’ll know more shortly. In the meantime, Alissa will be in our thoughts and we’re praying for her to be feeling much better soon,” he added.
Notably, Schwartz suffered a similar spell in 2014 where she vomited live on air, before she was diagnosed with a leaky heart valve.
Though the exact cause of her fainting is unknown, Schwartz’s on-air loss of consciousness fits a similar pattern observed since the introduction of experimental Covid jabs wherein people have inexplicably fainted, many times live on camera.
They're even pimping that on the commercials now. "If you haven't been vaccinated since......."You still haven't figured out the vaccine doesn't last more than a few months? Bahahahaha
mRNA Vaccine Contamination Much Worse Than Thought: Jabs “Up to 35%” DNA That Turns Human Cells into Long-Term Spike Protein Factories.
This indicates that these DNA plasmids are likely to survive for long periods, be taken up by cells inside the body and induce the cells to produce spike protein for an indefinite period of time.
OMG , I forgot AGAIN that inbred is the medical expert and he says the below physicians are lying ha ha ha ha ha .
Dr. Kevin McKernan and his team who had subjected the mRNA vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna to deep sequencing analysis and found alarming levels of DNA contaminants known as plasmids. These are small circular DNA molecules that in principle can self-replicate in bacterial and human cells and induce the cell to produce the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein long term. Each vaccine dose was found to contain billions of these plasmids.