Died Suddenly

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My doctor told me that I'm the 13th patient out of 250K to have such a reaction but he forgot to add, (This soon afterwards) it can take up to 10 years for death to occur but it will occur . That's what so many miss the point on , they think that if you feel OK long after the jab it means you're in the clear . Doesn't work that way I'm afraid .

The worst of the worst isn't even supposed to happen until years afterward . STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM THESE JABS FOR GOD'S SAKES, your life depends on it because it's not a matter of if it's a matter of when.
My doctor told me that I'm the 13th patient out of 250K to have such a reaction but he forgot to add, (This soon afterwards) it can take up to 10 years for death to occur but it will occur . That's what so many miss the point on , they think that if you feel OK long after the jab it means you're in the clear . Doesn't work that way I'm afraid .

The worst of the worst isn't even supposed to happen until years afterward . STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM THESE JABS FOR GOD'S SAKES, your life depends on it because it's not a matter of if it's a matter of when.
It is fkn nuts how people STILL continue to be in denial about this and mock us... like... you are fine NOW, yes. NO long term thinking no self-reflection and no ability to critical think. It's not like I am here saying, "nya nya i was right"... i don't care about accolades on this, it is about acknowledging and admitting you are in deep trouble if you got jabbed.... fk it is terrible.
CCN, I hope you pull through. Look up detoxification from the jab. I’ve seen some articles on that topic.

I lost 4 people, The last one was my father. Every one of them died between two days and 15 days of getting the jab.

In the meantime, Dr. evil is back with more:


Oh, Cory. I’m sorry.
I didn’t know it was 4 people?
I remember you saying you lost your Dad though.
Yes, It’s sad, so very sad.

I lost my dad right after his third shot.
A healthy tough farmer who very rarely ever visited the Dr’s office throughout his whole life.
Just a few days after his third shot he had terrible stomach cramps and was throwing up, he couldn’t stop, so we called the ambulance and he had four consecutive heart attacks over the next few hours.
He was still alive at the hospital, But very weak from the attacks, he talked to us briefly but then had one more massive heart attack which took him.

As terrible as it was to go through all of this, a few months later, I asked for his death certificate to clean up banking, cars, investments etc. etc.

‘Cause of death’ was written down as ‘Covid Complications’. I was so mad I nearly lost my mind.

Fauci, Gates, and government leaders like Biden and Trudeau should all be in prison for the rest of their lives.
… disgusting, evil, murdering pieces of shit.

So, everyone makes their own decision and I spent hours trying to talk my brother out of getting the jabs, I went over every single piece of information I had.

He plays (played) hockey in the men’s league and is in top shape. Never had ANY past heart condition or ANY ‘condition’ his whole life.

4 jabs and flu shot.
Boom, he has a heart attack.

After his heart attack, they operated on him and put three stents in him.
His specialist told him, “no more hockey, bicycling, weights or shovelling snow for the rest of your life”.

Now he is on two blood pressure medications, a water pill and suddenly his cholesterol is through the roof… So, cholesterol medication also.

Even so, with all these meds, his blood pressure still continues to be almost in the danger zone at times.

Ironically, after all of this, he is adamant that the shots had nothing to do with any of it.

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We can absolutely relate to each other.

The state of mi slow walked my dads death cert as well. The doctor at the hospital would not sign off as he found out the shot has just been administered recently, they kicked it up to the state level. Screwed up his bank accounts, retirement, etc. for my mom for half a year.

Relatives of a certain persuasion also deny the ‘coincidence’.
CCN, I hope you pull through. Look up detoxification from the jab. I’ve seen some articles on that topic.

I lost 4 people, The last one was my father. Every one of them died between two days and 15 days of getting the jab.

In the meantime, Dr. evil is back with more:

Damn , very sorry to hear this because deaths that soon after is not the norm with most but it is the norm with many .

Dr. Paul Alxexander:
I was told by these officials, in confidential secret discussions, that in about 6 to 6.5 years from roll-out, in those who take the injections, they feared mass auto-immune disease and deaths.
I feel bad for a LOT of them, but the younger they are the more angry it makes me. Globalists NEED to get the karma they EARN and DESERVE, no fking way they get off from this, this is quite possibly the biggest crime against humanity ever.
Not quite possibly this definitely is the greatest crime against humanity EVER. The problem is so few are even aware of it because the governments and mainstream media cover it all up.

Just a handful of articles below

The Covid “Killer Vaccine”. People Are Dying All Over the World. It’s A Criminal Undertaking​


“The Covid mRNA Vaccine Causes Cardiac Arrests, Heart Attacks, Strokes… : Leading British Cardiologist, Dr. Aseem Malhotra, and Dr. Peter McCullough Independently Come to Same Conclusion​


“Biggest Crimes Against Humanity Ever Committed”​


700 Million Worldwide Will Die from COVID-19 Vaxx by 2028​


COVID Experimental Injections: Prosecute Now​

By Devvy Kidd|February 27th, 2023


Prosecute COVID Injections Conspirators Now – Number of Dead Staggering​


The Killer Covid Vax, A Genocidal Bioweapon, Part 2​


Experimental Injections. “Biggest Crimes Against Humanity Ever Committed.” Anna de Bouisseret Explains Who Will be Held Liable Under the Law​

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