Dallas Marlow
Active member
Hey All,
I just a new mac book book pro and cubase essentials 4 and wanted to test out how the amp sounded with this set up, so far I think it's a lot better than the PC pro tools rig I was running before, all though I'm still using the same MBox2 interface cubase seems to sound a bit more natural. I'm not wild about the tones I got on this, but I'm using my PRS single cut since the LP needs a string change. Anyway, it's a Marshall 1960BV of v30's and just a SM57 on one of the speakers, let me know what you all think! This was just a quick run through of a new song I'm working on, a little segment of it, and I did a quick one shot improv of the leads over it, they sound thin because of the guitar guitar I think, but not bad, the Les Paul just sounds a lot better.
I just a new mac book book pro and cubase essentials 4 and wanted to test out how the amp sounded with this set up, so far I think it's a lot better than the PC pro tools rig I was running before, all though I'm still using the same MBox2 interface cubase seems to sound a bit more natural. I'm not wild about the tones I got on this, but I'm using my PRS single cut since the LP needs a string change. Anyway, it's a Marshall 1960BV of v30's and just a SM57 on one of the speakers, let me know what you all think! This was just a quick run through of a new song I'm working on, a little segment of it, and I did a quick one shot improv of the leads over it, they sound thin because of the guitar guitar I think, but not bad, the Les Paul just sounds a lot better.