Diezel Herbert Mark III vs Mesa Triple Mutli-Watt vs Bogner UU

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  • Diezel Herbert 3

  • Mesa Triple Multi-Watt

  • Bogner Uber Ultra

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Having a hard time deciding between the three and all have piqued my interests.

Would be used for more downtuned projects as I want to get into Septic Flesh covers and originals.

If you could only pick one which and why?
I'd say recto just because it would probably provide more contrast to what you already have. Hard to say for sure, but you may prefer your Coli to the Herbert for a 6 power tube amp. The Herbert of course will be more smoother and polished sounding with more low mids. Fwiw, I remember liking the MK1 Herbert more, but it's still not my favorite amp

For my taste the Uber Ultra sounded to filtered/cardboardy/clinical, no warmth, richness or any of that chewy quality I've come to like as the usual signature Bogner sound. It is plenty powerful sounding though and can get quite tight, but I found some of my amps that aren't as tight still somehow tracked faster palm mutes with more distinction. Fwiw, you may also be able to find a Rev 2 Uber for not much more
Herbert’s are underrated at this point . With boosting its all you need .
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UU because it is the one I have not tried.
As you can see on my signature, I own 2 of the amps your asking about. I've never owned the Uber Ultra, but I did borrow one to try out a couple of days. Between the ones you're asking, I would go with the Diezel. It's an awesome amp that covers all from jazz to metal and all in between. It can also do Malcolm Young if you dial it in properly. What I've noticed is that most people dial it in with their eyes and therefore doesn't explore its full potential.
The best "trick" I've learned about dialing in this amp is the up the presence to 75-90% and then dial in the treble to compensate the highs.
I worry about tracking and thin character the most. None of the amps I own are thin and lifeless - some command a level of control like wielding them to do your playing or they will limit your playing. The septic flesh downtuned stuff could be done by the Coli but it’s an old school vibe.

Personally I’m torn by the Herbert mkiii and the triple recto but I worry the recto would need boosts to get sounding right and I don’t have a massive boost collection nor the desire to start one.
I worry about tracking and thin character the most. None of the amps I own are thin and lifeless - some command a level of control like wielding them to do your playing or they will limit your playing. The septic flesh downtuned stuff could be done by the Coli but it’s an old school vibe.

Personally I’m torn by the Herbert mkiii and the triple recto but I worry the recto would need boosts to get sounding right and I don’t have a massive boost collection nor the desire to start one.
All three amps are awesome, but I’d need a boost with the Herbert or recto. Recto is probably my favorite amp as a whole, and I wouldn’t use one straight in. The tc electronic style boosts just take them to the next level.
I worry about tracking and thin character the most. None of the amps I own are thin and lifeless - some command a level of control like wielding them to do your playing or they will limit your playing. The septic flesh downtuned stuff could be done by the Coli but it’s an old school vibe.

Personally I’m torn by the Herbert mkiii and the triple recto but I worry the recto would need boosts to get sounding right and I don’t have a massive boost collection nor the desire to start one.
You would need a boost with a Recto or Herbert for what it sounds like you want. All 3 amps are thick, low mid heavy amps, opposite of thin, but honestly I do consider the Herbert and more so the Uber Ultra to be amps more on the sterile/lifeless side of the spectrum (not the case with the first 2 revision Uber’s), especially compared to your coli and modded Marshall’s probably

If it weren’t for price or rarity, I’d think the Hermansson’s, Hell Razor or Megalith Beta could be good choices, but of the more readily available stuff probably what you’re looking at it is on the right track I’d think
You would need a boost with a Recto or Herbert for what it sounds like you want, but not with the Ultra imo. All 3 amps are thick, low mid heavy amps, opposite of thin, but honestly I do consider the Herbert and more so the Uber Ultra to be amps more on the sterile/lifeless side of the spectrum (not the case with the first 2 revision Uber’s), especially compared to your coli and modded Marshall’s probably

If it weren’t for price or rarity, I’d think the Hermansson’s, Hell Razor or Megalith Beta could be good choices, but of the more readily available stuff probably what you’re looking at it on the right track I’d think

This makes me lean more Mesa triple rectifier for sure. I know of the character you’re talking about and even modded Marshall’s can exhibit gain for spades and record well but are thin turds in person with no power behind the chords.

The Coli is the loudest amp I own and the only one I own that can cause tinnitus on demand. I know it used to be yours in prior years but It’s even louder than my 98 Bogner. It’s just not the right amp to cop that type of tone. With mids it sounds 80’s and without it’s a closer attempt at Metallica. It has its place but not here inspirationally at least to me.
This makes me lean more Mesa triple rectifier for sure. I know of the character you’re talking about and even modded Marshall’s can exhibit gain for spades and record well but are thin turds in person with no power behind the chords.

The Coli is the loudest amp I own and the only one I own that can cause tinnitus on demand. I know it used to be yours in prior years but It’s even louder than my 98 Bogner. It’s just not the right amp to cop that type of tone. With mids it sounds 80’s and without it’s a closer attempt at Metallica. It has its place but not here inspirationally at least to me.
Yeah I think I know what you mean on all. I would also generally reach for other amps over the coli for that purpose. Recto’s take to boosts really well IME even though on their own they’re not as suited for those styles. I’d think a Rev 2/Green Uber could also possibly be something to consider if you find one at a fair enough price

I haven’t tried my friend’s Rev 2 in a while, but my Rev 1 is actually one of my louder amps even vs my coli along with my Wizard Hell Razor KT150. I think the tinnitus part may partly also be the really intense highs that blue stripe ++ coli had (sometimes I got that too). My only current amp that sorta does that is my stock 1972 SuperLead 100, but it gets rounder in the highs once loud enough (very loud at that point lol)
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I’ve played a rev 2 uberschall at band levels and honestly I think my 98 with a boost on the blue channel gets heavier and with more aggression because it has more mid content sculpting capabilities. Rev green Uber’s have a huge natural suckout in the mids that make it sound amazing for metal but also causes it to earn it’s one trick pony reputation because it’s hard to fill those mids back in. Just too much money for me to do only one thing (albeit really really well).
I want an UU but thats only cause I already have a triple multiwatt. Can't go wrong either way. Never tried a Herbert.
I have had all 3 amps that you’re considering here just recently. The Mesa was Triple Rev G. I went and listened to Septicflesh to get an idea of the tones you’re shooting for. I would say the UU or the Herbert would certainly get you there.

The MK3 Herbert is what I ended keeping. For me, and this is coming from playing in a band mix, it is the more versatile amp and sits in the mix almost perfect. It rivals my other guitar players MB Roadster. It has more mid content and more presence than the previous versions. A tighter low end as well. In contrast the UU was almost, dare I say, too much, in the mix! But that was me trying to get it to cover multiple genres. So, if you’re just dialing it in to specific tones. Either will get you there!
Sounds like you really value mid content and I’m with you on that - I would not ignore a dual rectifier. Triples I’ve had are metal monsters and aggressive, but the mids on the duals are what satisfy my ear the most. I don’t think it’s a massive difference in the MW versions though. I had both at one point and kept the dual
If your going after the modern low tuned stuff I concur you are going to need a overdrive / boost and a noise gate with the Herbert and Rectifier.

Personally I like Orange for this type of stuff. Completely subjective.