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James Lugo":hhy0he88 said:

looks cool, about the orange : i heard it can be a beast is that right? nice warm agressive overdrive possible?
flownomis":1bnt7n2i said:
James Lugo":1bnt7n2i said:

looks cool, about the orange : i heard it can be a beast is that right? nice warm agressive overdrive possible?

i have an orange thunderverb 200. its the rockerverb's big brother. 200 watts pure tube (actually, more like 220 with the jjkt88's i have in it). its pretty much the loudest amp i've ever heard. however, it comes with an attenuater knob to help the gain/tone characteristics while dealing with such massive ear-splitting headroom.

its the best orange i've ever heard, and i've heard a lot. just awesome. very warm vintage vibe. it will get very aggressive if that's what you desire, while always maintaining a vintage orange amp vibe.

i will say that its nothing like a "modern" amp such as diezel, bogner, jcm800, vht, etc. the sound is completely different, catering to genres like stoner rock, sludge, dirge, etc. its not really capable of "tight" sounds.

the thunderverb 200 is amazing in its own realm. the sound it produces has pretty much become the industry standard for the styles mentioned above. let's not forget that almost all of black sabbath's albums were recorded with orange amps, and i could easily list 25 well known bands currently using orange tone. not to mention similar tones produced by sunn, traynor, matamp, etc.

i highly recommend the rockerverb and thunderverb series from orange. you won't be dissapointed.
hairychris444":yngrej71 said:
Proof that there is such a thing as a messy Diezel owner... Me at rehearsal...


LOVE your guitar!!!!! I want one sooo bad.
these two sound great together!


  • fullertons 145.jpg
    fullertons 145.jpg
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the cleans and lower gain stuff does. still working on a good sound thay i like with channels 3&4 on the marshall.
By the way, mods............this should be a sticky shouldn't it? :confused: :gethim:
Sweet man! :rock: ....... are you running them in stereo or is one of them the "back up" ?
are there any amps that look cooler and more precious than diezel? i dont think so !!!!
nice rig !
Joeytpg":1e5e5nyi said:
Sweet man! :rock: ....... are you running them in stereo or is one of them the "back up" ?

Thanks man! It's a little bit of both actually. This is pretty much what I do:

When the stage is big enough for two 4x12s and an extra 2x12 (meaning just for me, there are two guitarists) then I run them both in stereo and it sounds KILLER!! I dial in the Diezel for a very heavy almost scooped type sound and the marshall for a very midrangish snarl and it blends so well. Plus I have different effects and a lot of stereo stuff going on (all switched by the G System). The G System effects are in the Diezel loop, the GT PRO is the in Marshalls loop. I use one 4x12 for each head. The extra 2x12 is run off of the Marshall as well and it has a long cable and always is on the opposite side of the stage. I use it strictly for a monitor when I go the other side with my wireless (as I can NEVER hear myself once I get past the center of the stage).

When the Stage is medium size (or if we are just opening for other bands and backlining) then I just run the Diezel with a "complete" sound dialed in and run the 2x12 off the marshall still, only again for an opposite stage monitor, not mic'd. This way is really cool because then I have complete eq and volume control for just the stage monitor!

When the stage is small, I just use the Diezel and no stage left monitor so the marshall is off.

This set up really was thought out for about 6 months and meticulously planned. It works well as a back up, because if I go to a show and the Diezel isn't working for some reason, I can just flip the A/B/Y box on the back, turn on the marshall, and run off of that. It's great! (other then the weight...like when the club is on the second floor hahahah).

At first glance it may look like way to much going on, but it really is very simple and streamlined. A lot of details (like the AB box being installed flush to the back, the right angle midi and AC cables, the side strip for the "warts" etc.) are there for the specific reason that at any show, I set this rack on stage, pull of the back and front of the roadcase, plug in the speaker cables (which stay in the drawer when traveling) and G system pedal, turn the power on and PLAY!! It's a big rig but sets up literally in 30 seconds.

The other guitarist in my band, who uses just a Mesa head and one 4x12 with 3 stomp boxes (none of which travel in "live in" roadcases, just standard ones you have to pull the cab/head out of and set on stage) takes 15-20 minutes to set it all up. Then he is checking batteries, trouble shooting, missing one patch cable, etc. It's always something. When all this gear I bought last year showed up in the band room EVERYONE laughed at me and keep busting my balls about how long it would take to set all the shit up and how unrealistic I was being. Now at everyshow I plug in 3 cables, press three on buttons, and stand at the side of the stage laughing at them MUHAHAHAHAH!! Now the other guitarist is looking into a rack and a G system, the bassist just bought a g system, and their rigs are very slowly starting to look like mine... :D

PS the cables are all Van Den Hul and I REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY suggest anyone looking for the most high fidelity sound check them out...they blow away all the other crap I tried. Mark at Lavacable is the man!
zzzsleepzzz":1wvl8vfa said:
When all this gear I bought last year showed up in the band room EVERYONE laughed at me and keep busting my balls about how long it would take to set all the shit up and how unrealistic I was being. Now at everyshow I plug in 3 cables, press three on buttons, and stand at the side of the stage laughing at them MUHAHAHAHAH!!

:lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :rock:
Well, I sold the KH-20, the RV a while ago, and the H in see-thru black a few weeks ago. But I got the BMF H yesterday, and the Engl cab is on it's way out...Peter S. knows why. :D
looks definitely great, but you cant be serious with the stickers on your CUSTOM ESP :confused: :doh:
scottph":3phrf8ta said:
Well, I sold the KH-20, the RV a while ago, and the H in see-thru black a few weeks ago. But I got the BMF H yesterday, and the Engl cab is on it's way out...Peter S. knows why. :D

no!! :) why you sold the KH20 :) my KH2 is angry with you! :lol: :LOL: