Well, I’ve got 27 years of experience in bedroom jamming, garage jamming, basement jamming, recording, live gigs, etc, pretty much entirely with tube amps as I got my first one a year after I started playing (Fender Champ 25 with 2 6L6’s and a 12AX7) and went through several throughout the years. As far as I’m concerned, they’re already there. Granted, my experience with the current modelers on the market is only with the AxeFX III, so I can’t compare with a Helix or a Kemper.
After getting the Fractal, I’ve also come to realize that a lot of people buy this shit expecting it to sound like gold right out of the box. It’s interesting to me that people will spend YEARS tracking down the right amp and the right combination of speakers/cabs/pedals to get their sound, but spend an hour with an AxeFX and say “I can’t get my tone out of this thing, I’m going to sell it.”
I should also note, I don’t care how well it’s recreating a specific amp. The thing I love about is that I don’t have to stay within the confines of a Dual Rec or a JCM800. My ideal sound is something like a Marshall Boogie Dual Plexifier, or a Marshall Boogie MK800. Being able to fuck around with shit like impedance curves, or adding Mesa’s 5 band EQ to amps that didn’t come with it goes a LONG way in making that dream amp happen. At this point, every amp I’d like to own costs over $2K and it’s just not logical to me to blow that kind of money when I can get more of what I want for $2K and never run out of amps. Shit, I haven’t even played every amp in the damn thing yet and it’s been over a year.
(Included pic of old rig for reference of the amps I used to play through)