I wrote my position about modelling quite many posts earlier.
But I have stuff to add to it:
-I do not want to spend hours *programming* my "amp" tone! No fucking way. An amp should sound and feel good right away, in a few minutes at worst... without the need to spend hours on it. I AM a programmer by profession and I do a lot of it on effects, but amps? No way. It's insane, against the very nature of it.
And by amp I mean anything transistors, tubes, whatever. I'm not going to sit in front of a dumb machine trying to get TONE out of it. EFFECTS... Yes!
-modelling is stealing! I do respect the work of art and artisanship of true amps makers. I despise those living on their work. They should all be charged for what they steal. A legal agreement should be mandatory and the true amp makers should have the right to licence or not their own stuff. And be well payed for that.
-modelling kills a culture! The amp culture is an amazing thing young kids should experience. You kids have no idea of what you are being deprived in terms of tone, knowledge, touch and feel, true listening grace. Do not brainless follow what your "gods" do as most of them have an interest in that and can tell lies. They all have amps, be sure about that. Post 9/11 world has being heavy on flight costs, thus modelling came up. No other reason as a copy is always going to sound NOT as good as the original. This is a fact in nature.
-there was a time, early '90s, when great modelling came out, thanks to Yamaha and Roland... in a very visionary way! It was about adding to the guitar sound the elements of other sound sources, like the attack and sustain of a reed or wood instrument, the physics traits of a violin... revolutionary stuff about transients, envelopes and sound formants one could impose on the instrument that would have opened a whole new page to art and music. THAT is the true magic of modelling... melting worlds, cross-pollinating formants for new sounds, moving ahead beyond synths... not just staying stale on redoing the already done... over and over and over again! What a boring concept of progress! Reinventing the wheel! Nonsense!
-learn what sound is, the very guts of it, how it works, the way VOLTAGE makes your tone, how speakers work and mics... all the magic physics a true amp delivers in a very simple way... breathing along your playing energy, respecting music dynamics in the best possible way. Invest money in less gear, BUT good stuff. Go for excellence! Nobody needs 500 amps, 2000 cabs, 1500 mics, and lies like those. One needs 3 to 5 good tones any great amp can fully deliver, helped by a couple of good overdrive pedals. Stop this insane iPod syndrome!!! You don't need to have 50.000 songs in your pocket. You NEED TO REALLY LISTEN TO 100 in the best audio format possible, learn them, grow with them, dream with them. THEN move to the next 100!
Stop the BS!!!! Start living real, kids!