Don Dokken

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This is just as bad as that Vince video someone posted a while back :aww: Sad to watch. Gotta be tough for these guys who were once legends to fade into the night and not be able to relive the glory of their youth.

well i guess it isnt tough enough for them to hang it up :dunno: the state fair/casino tours probably arent bad though, you can play for people who would already be at that location anyway making you look relevant and you might be able to get a free fried dough. i fucking love fried doughs
Don had cancer, throat surgery and a stroke... and he's not sounding much worse than Vince.
I give the guy credit, but yeah - it's time. You can't sing the classics like you are singing "The Maddest Hatter"

He had a stroke? I didn't know that. Explains a lot. That and the cancer.
Another problem, and maybe the biggest:
People are still reaching out and paying them large sums of money.
Until that stops, they won’t stop taking it.
I often have difficulty imagining how guys in this situation can allow themselves to perform at such low levels.

I figure it must be 1 or more of the following reasons:

1) They need the money badly.
2) They've lost the ability to recognise that their performances / abilities have gone through-the-floor.
3) The need to stroke their egos hasn't waned and the latter may in fact account for point #2.
Probably all of the above.

But, like I keep saying over and over, the people that paid money to go see this probably knew that Don's voice is suffering. So did they consciously make the decision to sit through that knowing that? Probably. If that was the case, and they just wanted to see Don one more time, then who cares? Sometimes it is more about paying tribute to your hero and 'saying goodbye' in a way then expecting them to sound like their albums.


PS: That was not directed to you MM - just a general comment to the board memebers.
Sounds more like Don Trump than Don Dokken :p

Its really a bummer because the BAND sounds great. They are basically just a cover band, but they sound very good. Mr. Frontman however... A bout 20 years past due.
I have to disagree because as we all know Trump would be the best singer and better than anyone. He would have been tremendous! :ROFLMAO: I would vote for him even in an election to replace Don Dokken in Dokken.
The only way I would pay any money to see Dokken is if George Lynch was back in the band. That goes for RATT and Warren DeMartini. I'm really there to see my favorite guitarists. I agree that most people who go probably know what to expect with Don's voice. They can just look on YouTube as there are plenty recent train wrecks of Don's performance on there. More than anything I'm embarrassed for the guy. It's sad to see. I wish him well.
I was going to post the video from that show of him doing Alone Again but that would just be you guys.
If you do happen to watch it - at 1:37 he reaches his arms out and has this expression like - Hey, just PAID for this.

And I was a major Dokken fan back in the day...
Another problem, and maybe the biggest:
People are still reaching out and paying them large sums of money.
Until that stops, they won’t stop taking it.

I wouldn't stop taking it either...can't blame them. That doesn't take away from the fact that...they suck big time.
He had a stroke? I didn't know that. Explains a lot. That and the cancer.
Stroke or paralysis due to a surgery complication - I'm not 100% sure. But yeah - the guy is medically screwed up - it's not that he just doesn't give a damn.
Right. I honestly think he is doing the best he can. If people want to come out and pay and listen to a great band with good tone and possibly say goodbye in a way to a hero of theirs........... - who cares?

PS: I'm NOT one of those persons by the way. I couldn't sit through that personally.

This is similar to KISS and VH by way of example. I decided to skip KISS but I did see both of the Roth - VH tours in the last decade or so. Not because I had a mancrush on DLR or was hoping his signing got better some how. :no: I wanted to pay respects to Edward and see an otherwise amazing concert :yes:
He has the energy of a sloath. I swear to God, I'd jump onstage and tell him to get off and give me my $ back. You have to be kidding.

Ok..after reading about his medical issues, fine, if that's the case, he shouldn't be trying to tale people's money, and they shouldn't be buying into it.