Double-miking update

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Well xuan8839 I can understand your frustration. We would be sorry to see you leave, even if you now have a perfectly working product. Hopefully you'll keep up just a bit more and you'll be happy with the new firmware. ;)
Personally, I will wait as long as it takes. They’re working on something that takes time to develop and things happen along that way, which may be out of their control, causing a few delays. Not everything happens when you want it to happen. If people are that impatient, they can go to WOS, create a multiple cab/mic combo they like, then go to BlendIR, combine that same custom cab/mic setup, save and load into their device. I know it’s not as simple as the new update is going to make it, but you can at least do that if you absolutely can’t wait. Two Notes are at the forefront of this technology and always deliver the goods. I’m sure it’ll be worth the wait!
xuan8839":swuh75k0 said:
Lol. It's not exactly one year ago, but It is 75% of a year gone at least. Only due to lack of competitors in the same field two notes can be so lazy and do things like hire new staff in the last minute. Or else in a more competitive market you keep your customer waiting for 9 months(I first got the word since febuary) you know exactly the answer whether would they abandon you or not. At least I do. I gave up long ago. I tried almost all the online impulse responses including paid ones and am ok with most of them. The new 2 mics betas? I'm not that much interested anymore. At least not to be the first few lucky ones being the test subjects.(look at all the shiit windows 10 updates did to people) I have a unit with stable old working version firmware to use. That's all. Beyond that, I lost faith that I can expect anything more from this company. Seriously, it was rumored that it will surface after some music shows early in the year, than teased end of september and now keeps dragging on. At least now I can make a choice to not to feel the same again when it happens again at end of October.

If my unit ever breaks down, I'm just gonna settle with other reactive load product. There are many way cheaper stuff from other brands that do reactive load and IR loader. I lost all the faith and goodwill to differentiate the price anymore.

Thats way too entitled sounding.

This is in essence a small consumer goods business that is taking time to develop FREE firmware to better the user experience of both present and future users. The phenomenon
of 100's of firmware updates in short time cycles maybe the fad here in digital music land but imagine if your TV or phone did that. With the associated "fear" of bricking a product too boot, why is having too have "the next best" thing so compelling when often the benefits were... frankly often obscure.

Go with "get the product right at the start"... and Two Notes did. Their C.A.B. and LIVE gave me a totally new way to record and perform.I was running 2 x C.A.B.S. at one stage, because I often (when doing actual cabs for real) double mic and blend. I also had 2 x Torpedo Lives units at various time... you can imagine my excitement in Jan18 (or one year ago or at least 75% of that one year).

MATE, I was FARK'N stocked!

and also appreciated the fact it was coming for free.

Yes it had been a while prior to the last update (I remember when they introduced the remote with the Arcade Mode, like 7(?!) years ago or so), and yes 75% of one year latter and I am kinda less enthused than I was in Jan, but mate, to simple dump on a brand, even when in your own words you have a stable old firmware working unit, is, I need to be honest... kinda weird (and I think poor form)

I didn't have an issue with the Windows 10 upgrade, but have had other issues and the support team has always helped. my experience with the customer service (after sales) is excellent.

The only reason I have actually responded to this is (ironically) I was seeking news about the firmware update!
dcruz0910":2okcjq4f said:
Personally, I will wait as long as it takes. They’re working on something that takes time to develop and things happen along that way, which may be out of their control, causing a few delays. Not everything happens when you want it to happen. If people are that impatient, they can go to WOS, create a multiple cab/mic combo they like, then go to BlendIR, combine that same custom cab/mic setup, save and load into their device. I know it’s not as simple as the new update is going to make it, but you can at least do that if you absolutely can’t wait. Two Notes are at the forefront of this technology and always deliver the goods. I’m sure it’ll be worth the wait!

thank you for your support guys. many things happened in the last 12 months and, without getting into too much details, we had to start from scratch again a few months back because our platform wouldn't be able to evolve to the 64 bits only Mac OS. I can only apologize for the extra time and say again that that upgrade will be awesome, 0% gadget, 100% tone and new look and feel for the Remote.

The Arcade mode is not that old ha ha, it was introduced 3 years ago I believe (July 2015). The next evolution of the Simulation mode in Torpedo Remote will be to make it look way more like the Arcade, hopefully helping the users who struggle with the whole miking process.
Hi ice-edge,

you are not in the right thread to ask about that, apparently you have a download error and if you don't clean your browser's cache, you keep downloading the damaged file. Please try another browser (Firefox, Chrome, Opera...) and download again to see how it goes, OK?
Any news on this? I have to say that am starting to become disappointed with this company and it seems I'm not the only one... Announcing this almost a year ago was totally unnecessary. This move has very likely been triggered by the appearance of your new direct competitors. However, disappointed customers are the worse enemies of a company not the competitors...
It's already an end of October. It's starting to be not THAT fun to wait. Seriously.
We are close to the first beta release, i'll post some pictures of the new interface probably this week (on our FB forum) so you guys can all see what's been done. ;)
guillaume_pille":1naa6mqp said:
We are close to the first beta release, i'll post some pictures of the new interface probably this week (on our FB forum) so you guys can all see what's been done. ;)

Pic or treat! :gethim: :)
Lol. Press on people, your beloved firmware update is finally going to be in beta after one damn year! It's so close I can smell its scent in the year so hold tight and keep on waiting! you'll get wonderful rewards evenutally! They're providing feature free of charge after you even bought the gear so what is so bad about waiting a few years or even lifetime? You might just get them very soon like in year 20018, don't worry or feel bad, keep cool and wait on!

LMAO. I can only have so much on people trying to defend the company before I burst to hysterical laughter. Thing is simple, someone made it open that we can expect a new firmware, never asked at all to tune down that mad G.A.S/expectation and keep failing to fulfill their word. Yet people argue with me like I was the one at fault to expect anything to happen on time in the first place. Judging from things, maybe I really was wrong to expect anything to happen soon. But looking at the calendar I definitely find my decision to expect nothing more and give up on waiting was wise. Chimed in to check righter after october ended just to find that it is the same sets of stories looping here, just like I expected in my post. Think I have to stop, I'm not gonna keep my attention on this any further. Life is just too short.

Jokes aside, on the release day of mesa cabs, I went in so early to grab those, they were making me buying 99998 copies of the same cab on their web store. LMAO, why in the first place do you need to have a stock count on an virtual cabinet sim? Like it's gonna run out of stock ever? or people can actually purchase 10 of them and put 5 of those onto your hardware for any cab sounding different? I kinda actually see the reason why you absolutely needed to hire some programming dudes half way during the firmware developing few months down the road.
xuan8839":85n69rhr said:
Lol. Press on people, your beloved firmware update is finally going to be in beta after one damn year! It's so close I can smell its scent in the year so hold tight and keep on waiting! you'll get wonderful rewards evenutally! They're providing feature free of charge after you even bought the gear so what is so bad about waiting a few years or even lifetime? You might just get them very soon like in year 20018, don't worry or feel bad, keep cool and wait on!

LMAO. I can only have so much on people trying to defend the company before I burst to hysterical laughter. Thing is simple, someone made it open that we can expect a new firmware, never asked at all to tune down that mad G.A.S/expectation and keep failing to fulfill their word. Yet people argue with me like I was the one at fault to expect anything to happen on time in the first place. Judging from things, maybe I really was wrong to expect anything to happen soon. But looking at the calendar I definitely find my decision to expect nothing more and give up on waiting was wise. Chimed in to check righter after october ended just to find that it is the same sets of stories looping here, just like I expected in my post. Think I have to stop, I'm not gonna keep my attention on this any further. Life is just too short.

Jokes aside, on the release day of mesa cabs, I went in so early to grab those, they were making me buying 99998 copies of the same cab on their web store. LMAO, why in the first place do you need to have a stock count on an virtual cabinet sim? Like it's gonna run out of stock ever? or people can actually purchase 10 of them and put 5 of those onto your hardware for any cab sounding different? I kinda actually see the reason why you absolutely needed to hire some programming dudes half way during the firmware developing few months down the road.

so you state repeatedly that your gonna ditch support of the product because they don't live up to your expectations, then in the final paragraph state you buy MORE of the company’s products but AGIAN use the opportunity to have a dig.

you like the product/company and want to use or you don’t like the product/company and want to ditch it?

How can it be both?

I don’t understand (unless of course this is simply your humor – which if the case, more power to you)

From my perspective however you are a contradiction.

Perhaps you really NEED the product but are unsatisfied with the lack of firmware updates so that is the source of your frustration. In that case, go elsewhere for similar product BUT if you could do that (and meet your full needs with a competing product)… that means you don’t NEED the product and so again your frustration is a point of confusion for me. (or this, let’s call it a version of Trolling, is your form of entertainment – if so, OK, your posts make sense – no doubt you will be rolling in your, to quote, hysterical laughter).

No to be clear if you are still reading this, I am NOT criticizing your right to criticize. You have that right based on your opinion and perspective. I am however been critical that you are stating that:
1) because a product that you were presumably happy with has not as yet been updated to something you (presumably) would be happier with, AND;
2) you haven’t had to pay money to develop or upgrade, BUT;
3) you have had to wait…

… that is justification to stop using a product, that up until the point of said firmware update announcement, you were satisfied or at least content with.

I am not sure how long you have been playing guitar, but please note that the realm of digital and the corresponding benefit of firmware updates is relatively new in terms of how long people have been playing guitar.
Of course if you have only been playing for say the last 5-10 years in an era where digital in one form or another is essentially the norm, I get the frustration at the wait, but still think you are been unreasonable here.

If you are like me (an old fart that has been playing since the 1980’s), firmware updates are relatively new and as a result are considered a BONUS. When I purchased my first C.A.B, I did so thinking “wow, what a great piece of kit”, same with the LIVE. That was with original firmware. Anything the company (or any company playing in the realm of digital) does by way of product improvement via firmware is a genuine bonus. That it costs me nothing to get said improvement, I am grateful for, not pissy when it doesn’t happen…

…just sayin
Thank you onedge custom, maybe it's a generational thing, but I can understand people are angry that we made promises that we couldn't keep on time.