Dream Theater - Pull Me Under Tone Test (VHT CLX)

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BTW - what were your setting on this? And on the graphic eq?

(I asked this on the hc thread, but I can't seem to find it.)
gibson5413":dd897 said:
I am not trying to necessarily match Petrucci's tone. What I am trying to do is dial in a strong rhythm tone from the CLX. I love the leads I have gotten so far and am trying to get a great rhythm sound.

What do you think? I will give my thoughts after I read some comments from all of you. Keep in mind I didn't play to a backing track and did it from memory.

I did add some reverb to the rhythm tracks.

That sounds excellent man!
PeteLaramee":150fa said:
BTW - what were your setting on this? And on the graphic eq?

(I asked this on the hc thread, but I can't seem to find it.)

No problem.

It is set at a very slight V. The upper mids slider (2.3khz) is actually a hair under the 5khz slider.
gibson5413":7e0dd said:

Can't wait to hear any clip you get up and running. How did the Vigier sound through the Blackmore?

Thanks for the compliments!

Sounded really good! I was pleasantly surprised since I usually don't like alder body guitars.
I really like this tone. Really tight and sounds like the amp really stays together. awesome.
jasonP":91e60 said:
I really like this tone. Really tight and sounds like the amp really stays together. awesome.

Thanks! VHT makes some killer amps. In fact, I dialed in a killer mid gain Rush tone tonight. I added some chorus through the loop and I'm getting a really cool Hemispheres tone!
Megadeth7684":b044e said:

Sounded really good! I was pleasantly surprised since I usually don't like alder body guitars.

What don't you like about alder bodies?

I was actually taking a look at Bo-El guitars lately. They sound like great guitars and Marcel Coenen plays them. Kind of a wanker player but pretty talented nonetheless. He's got some lead chops. I know a couple of guys that swear by them.


Here is a clip of him playing his Bo-El 7 string:


Another cool clip of him trading licks with a keyboard player:

gibson5413":6744d said:

Thanks! VHT makes some killer amps. In fact, I dialed in a killer mid gain Rush tone tonight. I added some chorus through the loop and I'm getting a really cool Hemispheres tone!
Love to hear some of that!