Dreaming of Tan pants

Try a Reverend Sensai Jr if you can.

The Orvilles are awesome. I've played a few Univox I really dug too. I'm a MiJ whore though.
Yeah one of my friends had an Orville SG that was great and kinda wish he still had. I’d take it easily over any non-custom shop Gibson I’ve played. The vintage Japanese stuff is really good and deserves more attention. I have lots of vintage Japanese pickups, pedals and tubes
Well if you want to dream about American Tan Pants and get your Billy Joe on I’m gonna be listing this 2010 USA Junior soon...won’t be too much more than an Epi; silver metal flake refinished rock machine...I’m putting the stock 490T pickup back in it though and pulling the Suhr Thornbucker, also stock white button Gibson tuners going back on. This guitar has chunk for days, slimmer neck between 50s / 60s. You could drop a humbucker sized P90 in there ala Bare Knuckle Warpig or sumpin.

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Well if you want to dream about American Tan Pants and get your Billy Joe on I’m gonna be listing this USA Junior soon...won’t be too much more than an Epi, silver metal flake refinished rock machine...I’m putting the stock 490T pickup back in it though and pulling the Suhr Thornbucker, also stock white button Gibson tuners going back on. This guitar has chunk for days, slimmer neck between 50s / 60s

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Also if you use this guitar the "right" way for mean growl, rudeness, etc thorough a good high gain amp, it really is kind of the opposite of a "tan pants" item if that makes you guys feel any better lol

I see a 10 top PRS Private stock as more that kind of guitar and the fact that it's drenched in poly does no favors for sound. I could say the same as well about Suhr and Tom Anderson
I bought a '63 SG Special a couple years ago and after I raised the pickups (often necessary, especially the bridge pickup) it is surprisingly pissed off. Hangs with any humbucker guitar as far as gain but has a really mean snarl that's killer straight into a Marshall.
I’ve also heard really good stuff about Eastman- they have models comparable to pretty much the entire Les Paul line
I bought a '63 SG Special a couple years ago and after I raised the pickups (often necessary, especially the bridge pickup) it is surprisingly pissed off. Hangs with any humbucker guitar as far as gain but has a really mean snarl that's killer straight into a Marshall.
I also used to have a ‘63 SG Special in creme and raised the pickups. They definitely have a unique mean snarl that humbuckers don’t get the same way. I find them more raw, wild, open sounding than humbuckers and sometimes with a certain raunch to them. I kept a ‘57 LP Jr as my favorite of the P90 guitars I’ve had, but they were all killer

In this ‘64 SG Jr I had I even swapped in some vintage humbuckers to hear the difference (sounded awesome too) and a ‘50’s Gibson P90, which was better than the stock ‘60’s one