Eb tuning, pros and cons...

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I prefer standard to be honest, especially on LP. BUT i think tuning in Eb sounds great on Strats.
I think I prefer std, my band wants to tune down. So I figure the best setup would be go a guage heavier with strings and reset the harmonics. I have heard claims that Eb sounds best on guitar. I find Eb dark and heavy and std bright and snappy, not sure if the audience would tell. I used to tune down and I recall when I shifted back that I did like std better, but I did not change string guage, I found the strings too loose and slow at Eb.
Been playing in Eb for years and prefer it to standard A440. Besides a heavier, darker guitar tone it's much easier on the singer and makes bends easier on me late into a 4 hour gig. The only con (and minimal IMO) is that when we go to drop D (C#) for a few tunes, it can get a little loose. I play LP's with 10's.
Being a lead singer and guitarist, I have opinions on both sides. I always play a half step down and the same in dropped (Eb and drop Db) for most of the stuff I write so that it's a little easier on my pipes.
JohnSykes":2dw6ocik said:
I prefer standard to be honest, especially on LP. BUT i think tuning in Eb sounds great on Strats.
Depends on the tune, but in general I actually prefer the opposite^ my strats are in E and my LP is always dropC# or C
The tuning creates a whole different vibe- standard E just sounds happier.
billm408":32m3aunm said:
Been playing in Eb for years and prefer it to standard A440. Besides a heavier, darker guitar tone it's much easier on the singer and makes bends easier on me late into a 4 hour gig. The only con (and minimal IMO) is that when we go to drop D (C#) for a few tunes, it can get a little loose. I play LP's with 10's.

+1 :thumbsup:
first 20years I played every band was Eb. All male singers including me. Then all female singers and 440. Harder on me vocally, but really easy to adjust either way on guitar. Certain songs don't sound "right" but over all it doesn't make much difference after a while.
I use so many different tunings its just rediculous. Eb is definitely one of my favorites. I also use Drop D, Drop C, DADGAD, Open D, Open E, Open A, and Open G for various different applications.

I'm a big fan of sweetened tunings. There is an entire science to tuning that goes beyond simply tuning each string to pitch.
I prefer the sound of Eb and the extra extra slinky feeling of heavier strings but the last band I was in the singer had been singing some of the stuff for 30 years in standard and had trouble pitching it so I gave up and tuned to standard.

It may have also been that the singer was a total prick who wouldn't approve anything that he didn't come up with....... either way I prefer it down
I haven't played in standard tuning in what, 5 years now so I have no recollection of the tonal difference.

I gotta admit I've not thought of the difference in tone between 440 & Eb. We tune to Eb just to make our stuff at least a bit easier on the singer.
Michi":1cor41hz said:
We tune to Eb just to make our stuff at least a bit easier on the singer.
This is pretty well my situation. I just upped the string guage and tuned down, it does feel heavier string wise, will try it out at rehersals. I think it sounds grungier. That's not good or bad, just different. I figure if the singer is happy it's no big deal.
supersonic":rgzu7szp said:
I just upped the string guage and tuned down

I've been using the same gauge I've used for ages, 9-12-16-26-36-46. Felt a bit wonky at first but I've grown used to it :).
Eb here. 9-42 a little Slinky but I'm use to it. Way easier on my hands at this stage
I prefer standard but we have several tunes in the set half a step down because we'd have to put the singer's balls in a vice to pull them off in standard.

I play 9-46 on all my standard tuned stuff, 10-52's on the stuff tuned down half a step.