Well-known member
Yes, but they used to look up to and aspire to be a cool, non-virgin guitarist. I had Slash and Eddie Van Halen. Now they have…90% of guitar players where virgins at 15
Yes, but they used to look up to and aspire to be a cool, non-virgin guitarist. I had Slash and Eddie Van Halen. Now they have…90% of guitar players where virgins at 15
Dreading the thumbnail already. At least we know from the open mouthed expression thumbnails these guys all use, they have the ability to earn their keep if they do end up on the streets. Just need a little lip stick and they are there.Waiting for the Fluff signature encampment tent. Dude already looks homeless. Guess he could use the box his sig. guitar comes in as shelter.
So are a lot of prostitutes and politicians.These dudes are making more money than most of y’all. Keep the jokes going but there’s absurd money in YT, even at reasonable subscription numbers. The goofball thumbnails and things they do are proven to get clicks.
I get it dude. Just some low hanging fruit. It's just YT guitarist over saturation stage right now. No different than hairbands in the 80s, or shrapnel guitarists, etc.Full disclosure, I bought the aqua sparkle version. I’m not a 15 year old virgin. I’m a 41 year old married father with a good job. I get why people hate on signature gear, but I could care less who’s name is on it. To me, if the product has something I’m looking for, I’ll give it a go. Fact of the matter is that it’s a stingray rs with fishmans, a string through hard tail, flamed roasted neck, etc. I play a similar style as him and this checks alot of boxes for myself and guys in my genre. I have tried his fishman pickup too and it’s one of the better pups in their lineup. Don’t get hung up on the name.
Also, Rabea is a beast of a player. He can more than hold his own.
I can’t shake the sneaking suspicion that Fluff breaks into and squats at Pete Thorn’s basement to do his own videos while Pete is away on tour. It’s awfully kind of Pete to look the other ways and not press charges.Dreading the thumbnail already. At least we know from the open mouthed expression thumbnails these guys all use, they have the ability to earn their keep if they do end up on the streets. Just need a little lip stick and they are there.
the path of humanity autodestruction, people worried about money more than the art itself, it's sad to see incredible players with low numbers of subscriptions because they focus on music more than "viral content"These dudes are making more money than most of y’all. Keep the jokes going but there’s absurd money in YT, even at reasonable subscription numbers. The goofball thumbnails and things they do are proven to get clicks.
It’s awfully kind of Pete to look the other ways
Probably. I mean...that's why they are buying the guitar...to solve that problem.The target market? 15 year old virgins?
the path of humanity autodestruction, people worried about money more than the art itself, it's sad to see incredible players with low numbers of subscriptions because they focus on music more than "viral content"
Didn’t seem to help me much.Probably. I mean...that's why they are buying the guitar...to solve that problem.
Is this not how pop media has always worked?the path of humanity autodestruction, people worried about money more than the art itself, it's sad to see incredible players with low numbers of subscriptions because they focus on music more than "viral content"