steve_k":1txw1rb6 said:
Having said all that, As Andy says here, an LPS in V1 and in the PI keep the amp fattened up and controlled. Sometimes they can blanket an amp a little bit though. If you find it does, put a Chinese in the PI to open it back up.
Funny, but I felt exactly opposite as for the "blanket effect"
. But tastes, tastes
. I have tried nearly all tubes possible, NOS and CP. Ended up with line-up described above, as I wanted my amp to be the most aggressive. But even during my NOS days I have always kept LPS as a PI. I used TFK smooth plates here before but I felt that LPS makes the tone even more in-front.
Chinese is cool sounding tube, but lots of bottom in it. I use them all through my Marshall 6100 (except V2 where I have a Tungsram). But as stock XTC is already voiced in lower tones department (mine is modded quite a bit) chinese may bring the tone down in a mix. Of course it depends what music you play and what is the line-up of your band. My amp when stock was hidden in the mix (sounding great alone though). So before I modded it I was searching for tubes which may bring the tone up. Great part of it was LPS in V1 and PI.
steve_k":1txw1rb6 said:
There's a $4.95 per tube in bulk for unlabeled Chinese 12AX7C's, it's a win/win for amp builders. Reliable, cheaply priced and can handle the multiple triode duties required out of the Bogner tube layout. And, they know you are going to change tubes anyway, so way would the builder sink and extra $100 in preamp tube cocktails.
Nuff said... The same is with JJ's. Many amp bulders will say that they sound great (I feel opposite
), but they don't say that they think so because they are cheap. Indeed they sound decent but - as You said - there's a poor chance any amp buyer will keep stock tube line-up. I changed mine 5 minutes after I took my amp out of the box
As for the NOS tubes in XTC, I have great experiences with RFT, Philips and Tungsram in gain stages and also with Telefunken smooth plates as a PI. These are worth to try IMO.
Regards, Andy