Weed sucks. Stomach in throat. Switch to manual breathing. Heart pounding. Sit on couch and think about the following
Lob Joss
Nothing like a good toke to make you relax fellas? Please spare me the Indica / Sativa lecture. To me they're all the same.
Edibles? I might as well call the paramedics ahead of time. 7 hour trip to mars with no off switch. ALL SET
Use to smoke lots of weed in my younger days without issue. Then one day I had a panic attach and that panic attack rewired my brain permanently. My tolerance to weed reversed overnight. One hit now and I feel like I took a hit of acid. I don't think it works out well with people with PTSD. My wife can take 200mg of any edible and just fall asleep. Doesn't get high, just falls asleep. Boggles my mind. If I took an edible, I'd be up for 3 days.
Any opiate though? Damn. I use to love these synthetic opiates called Retards made by Grunenthal in Germany. Use to get them online. 150mg of synthetic, time released goodness.
I could take one and strip off the roof of the house and be up there at 2am shingling. I could knock down an oak tree with my bare hands. Pure energy. Wife takes a vic and barfs her brains out. LOL.
But with anything, the buzz comes with the price and I figured having the flu 3 days a week (detox) wasn't sustainable.
So now it's just beer and sometimes a couple Kratom (which is like a mild opiate.) Can only take 2 once a week if that. Anything more and I have to do 1 day of detox with runny nose, achy bones.
My philosophy is this. There are no pain killers. The only pain killer is to fix beforehand what is causing the pain. In my case, nowadays, it's beer and sugar, which is why I limit the Beer to 1 or 2 days a week max. Sugar is the final thing I have to do battle with. I don't eat 19 hours out of the day, but when I watch TV before bed, have a propensity for shoveling shit in my mouth and the next day I feel it.