I have owned quite a few ESP guitars from Ltd's to Standards to custom shop stuff. For the coin, at every level, they are great value to cost guitars.
The higher end Std stuff is very good for a day to day use guitar. If I were gigging regularly, I would most likely use that level guitars from ESP because they sound anf play very well, but it wouldn't break my heart when I nicked it up...as I always do when gigging
I also really like the 400 series guitars for inexpensive....the Viper in particular. Though it has a prety thick neck that some wouldn't care for.
The Standard level guitars are on par with most shops top end production guitars and in my experience tend to have fewer issues.
The custom shop stuff is excellent.
I went from Gibson to ESP right around 2000 because of the shit QC at Gibson and was verey happy with ESP's until I discovered Gutierrez.
Something that threw me off a bit is that the Eclipse (Les Paul) shape has tone more like a SG and the Viper (SG shape ) has tone more like a Les Paul. Not exactly on either count, but more similarities.
Never played an Edwards, but folks seem to reallylike those as well.