I'm new to the forum and admit I joined with the specific intent of getting somebody at Egnater Amplification's attention. The traditional channels of customer service have not worked. AT ALL. A little internet research seemed to indicate that a Bruce and Ian Egnater actually respond to inquiries on the forum. Well ok then, lets air it out in a public forum. You certainly can't say I didn't go to great lengths of patience and futility with Joshua and Nate........Which by the way, is a direct reflection on Bruce, Ian and the Egnater brand.
I purchased a Tweaker 15 watt Head and Cab from Guitar Center on March 13th. It was exactly what I had been looking for. Could not have been happier. Then, an annoying buzz developed. Tube issue? Tested, rotated, swapped, no help. The buzz continued to get worse. It seemed to be a grounding issue. (?) No big deal. Shit happens. GC has a 30 day return policy. So I return it. But, they are out of stock. Can't seem to source one from another store or the GC Warehouse. They say they have a backorder with Egnater, it's going to be 2 to 3 weeks. Not thrilled, but, so be it. 3 weeks later, I go to GC an pick up my replacement Tweaker.
Just as before, happy, happy, happy. Then about a month in, a phantom buzz appears, sort of like before. I can't seem to identify the source. But, it's getting worse by the day. I'm past my 30 day return at GC, and now in the hands of an Egnater Warranty and their Customer Service Dept. I contact Joshua, and he seems convinced it's a tube issue. I don't think it is, but decide to by new tubes anyway. Approximately $50 plus shipping. It not only doesn't fix the problem, but new problems seem to be creeping in. In the process, I also buy a power conditioner. No help. Then, in addition to the annoying background buzz/hum, I now have a sound similar to that of frying bacon coming thru the amp. Sometimes so loud it's almost funny. Except that you paid $650 plus new tubes and a power conditioner to listen to bacon fry. I know enough to know it's not tube related but likely a capacitor or something. I contact Joshua, request an RA#. We start the return process. I send the amp out on July 2nd. And I pay the shipping. I determine that I'm 0 for 2 with the Tweaker, and there is no reason to believe the third will be any better. In addition, I've spent a lot of my own money trying to "fix" it, and then paid to ship it. I would like my money back. Joshua informs me that Egnater will not refund money, but will fix the amp. I said under no conditions do I want that amp. I want my money back. I'm done with Egnater. I then get a phone call from some "tech" person the first week of August. He is very apologetic, says he turned the amp on, and instantly got the frying bacon sound. He said he would send out a brand new amp. I mentioned a lack of trust in anything Egnater. He said he would personally "burn in" the amp and tubes, an give it a through workout before shipping it out. I said ok. Reasonable. What else was there to do....
First week of Sept. I send out a casual e-mail to Joshua, whats up? Wheres the amp? I get a response that Joshua doesn't work there any more. I'm forwarded an a contact named Nate at Egnater. Oh boy...
Send Nate an email, describing what has transpired. He responds that he has no record. No RA#. No defective amp. At this point, I'm ready to kick some fucking heads. Then a "Tech" calls me, and says the same thing, no record, no amp head, no nothing. He then tells me it was probably just a tube anyway. At this point I've had enough. I want my money. He says he will let the "CEO" (?) know my story, but doesn't think I can get a refund. He tells me that a "CEO" (?) will call me after the Jewish Holidays.
No one has called. No one has emailed. No one has responded. No one has done a fucking thing, and I'm fucking pissed off. I email Nate once or twice a week, with a courteous "what's up, any resolution?" I've got one response. The "CEO" will contact you.
2 months after I returned the 2nd straight defective Tweaker, no response, no resolution.
Since my original purchase in March, I've had about 1 month of trouble free playing time. Since July 2nd, I've had no amp.
Who the the fuck is this CEO ? Does he have a phone? Can he call me?
Does this Bruce or Ian guy know who this "CEO" guy is who doesn't want to refund my money, or give a courteous explanation of what happened or what they might do to make an EXTREMELY patient customer happy?