even modded marshalls by cameron are in ccv price range now!

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Lee Jackson modded a marshall for me in 83 and thats the first frequency doo hicky on an amp id seen
I was referring to the frequency pot off of the depth pot in the power section. Did Lee add a depth circuit to that modded Marshall back in 83? I’m curious if he was one of the first doing that circuit.
Tell this to Fortin, Monomyth, Larry, Hermannson, etc. While they might not goop stuff, they sure aren’t giving away what they are doing and asking people to not take pictures or share the circuits. Hermannson blacks out values in his amps. Again, they are doing different things and want to protect themselves.

I’m not playing innocent either. I’ve peeked at amp mods for curiosity sake. Cameron’s, Fortin’s, Friedman’s and some others too ?

Regarding my JCA20, I gave away the circuit for people to hopefully mod their own and take it further.
Hermansson is doing some awesome stuff. I want one of those PA builds he does.
For what you’re describing I’d recommend either a old stock JMP2203 or super lead 1959/1987 with a good overdrive pedal boosting it or a Naylor (really killer amp) also with a boost. I’ve tried pretty much every Marshall-esque amp out there except a Larry and those are the only ones I’ve kept. All very organic and nothing wrong with using a boost with them imo. My Purpleface is actually one of the very best for that too, but is a one off prototype amp that is special. The Wizard is great too, but more of a Marshall/Hiwatt hybrid kinda sound

You should try a Cameron mod if you get a chance to try one. They sound great and you can decide if it lives up to the hype for you or not. I don’t think them selling in the $3000’s is unreasonable when you consider that Friedman, Gower, and Fortin mods sell in the $2000’s and don’t sound as good, so seems fair imo to be in the $3k range for the next step up. More than $4k seems high unless it’s a rare multi channel version, but I guess the market will ultimately decide what they go for. Definitely would not recommend EVH or JVM’s lol. They shouldn’t even be in the same conversation as the other amps mentioned

EDIT: Correction: The Friedman and Fortin mods sell in the $2000’s I think, but some of their actual amps I think can be over 3k used, so there are definitely plenty of worse sounding amps than Cameron modded Marshall’s in the $3k range lol. I didn’t keep mine ultimately, but they did sound really good. I still have my CCV, but that’s a completely different sound than his modded Marshall’s
I had a Gower that I personally think sounded as good as any Cameron Ive owned. I have owned a CCV, Jose, a 50 watt Aldrich with a bogner shiva transformer(didn’t even know until someone after me told me this) and it was by far my favorite Cameron I had. It was definitely a beastly amp. But, my Gower Rockmonster was just crushing. If you look at Dan’s YouTube channel he posted a clip of it playing some Lynch, and it is crushing. I believe he built it for himself and eventually sold it to a member here. Whoever has that Rockmonster is very lucky.

Thats why some here do it. Sales & promotion is as old as when Romans sold used Chariots. Why do you think asking price for a stock 2203X goes for $1900 now ?
Would be one thing if there was an "amp meter" to gauge how good one amplifier sounds compared to another in a scientific impartial way but here its all CONJECTURE, just voices in your head.
I have plenty of amps modded and not but for me i really never need more than a JCM-2000 DSL-100 on "lead #1" w/a boost and i would stack that pound for pounds against anything.
Im in a Metro of nearly 3 Million people with 3 Guitar Centers and many local accalimed guitar shops and im well known locally & nationally in the music community and 99.8% of guitar players here don't even know what a cameron modded amp is and the few who do don't even play music.
The worst cases of the cameron virus seem to be right here and its always the same one's stirring the pot.
Now come in off the ledge before you loose $5K PP/gift and an amp.

No one is buying from Cameron..these are amps previously modded by him long ago for the most part, and are sold/traded by guys here. Apparently you just can’t comprehend that, and want to turn this into a ‘don’t buy from Cameron’ thing. Well no shit Sherlock.
No one is buying from Cameron..these are amps previously modded by him long ago for the most part, and are sold/traded by guys here. Apparently you just can’t comprehend that, and want to turn this into a ‘don’t buy from Cameron’ thing. Well no shit Sherlock.
I had a Gower that I personally think sounded as good as any Cameron Ive owned. I have owned a CCV, Jose, a 50 watt Aldrich with a bogner shiva transformer(didn’t even know until someone after me told me this) and it was by far my favorite Cameron I had. It was definitely a beastly amp. But, my Gower Rockmonster was just crushing. If you look at Dan’s YouTube channel he posted a clip of it playing some Lynch, and it is crushing. I believe he built it for himself and eventually sold it to a member here. Whoever has that Rockmonster is very lucky.
I had that same Gower Rockmonster. I got it from you in trade. It was a a very good amp, one of the better modded Marshall’s I’ve had, but when AB’ed next to the Cameron modded Marshall’s I had at the time (I’ve had 4 total and tried another great Jose modded one) it was honestly just no contest. It had everything the Rockmonster had and just much better, particularly this Aldrich modded ‘79 JMP2203 I had. Some of my friends heard it too and also agreed. This is why I keep stressing the importance of AB comparisons when possible because on its own that Rockmonster was great in both sound and feel, but next to the Cameron mods I had, it was clearly to my ears being outclassed. Without the AB comparison I probably would have thought the Rockmonster was as good or better than the Cameron’s. I had also a Gower KK++ that was similarly good to the Rockmonster, but again was sent packing fast from the Cameron mods I had, but ultimately I sold all my Cameron mods I’ve had because of my purple and blueface amps. I still, like I’ve said before, also would choose my stock ‘79 JMP2203 boosted with my Klon or Naylor boosted with the Klon over any modded Marshall I’ve tried and of course the ‘67 Tremolo boosted with that is to me an even more impressive sound. I will never have those 2 Marshall’s I have modded, even though they were in the past. Won’t happen again while I still have them
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thanks for taking the time...as your next post alluded to I haven’t had the chance to play through any Camerons but threads like this pique my interest lol

i have been thinking of getting a ‘marshall but with more gain’ amp (friedman, jvm, evh, etc) but have also started to wonder if i should just use a plexi-style amp and a pedal. I’d rather not be tied to a pedal but one drive pedal into the front end doesn’t seem like a huge burden - especially if it’s the best way to still have that organic tone and feel of a marshall.
I have a 72 SuperTrem that, when I double boost it is a thing of beauty. It does such a raw, open and perfect rock tone I’m simply in awe every time I fire it up. It is THE sound of rock to my ears. I have a really good 83 2203 that when boosted, is amazing but it just doesn’t get the same clarity, definition, bite that the Trem does. I highly recommend finding a stock 50/100 NMV Marshall and giving it a go...it only does one thing, and it won’t do modern but that one thing to my ears is perfect for 70s-early 90s.
^ I keep trying other ways but right now I'm back 'home' with a plexi into an old Marshall cab and all the toys to get that where I want it. I love a plexi at pretty much any volume setting once its loud. That jumpered clean tone is glorious.
^ I keep trying other ways but right now I'm back 'home' with a plexi into an old Marshall cab and all the toys to get that where I want it. I love a plexi at pretty much any volume setting once its loud. That jumpered clean tone is glorious.
My Trem goes from barely audible to Holy $&@; Loud, but it’s worth waking the neighbors once in a while lol
I had a Gower that I personally think sounded as good as any Cameron Ive owned. I have owned a CCV, Jose, a 50 watt Aldrich with a bogner shiva transformer(didn’t even know until someone after me told me this) and it was by far my favorite Cameron I had. It was definitely a beastly amp. But, my Gower Rockmonster was just crushing. If you look at Dan’s YouTube channel he posted a clip of it playing some Lynch, and it is crushing. I believe he built it for himself and eventually sold it to a member here. Whoever has that Rockmonster is very lucky.
I want to say LanierP has one. There may be a YT clip if I recall. Len is the best, he hooked me up a while back bigtime.
I have a 72 SuperTrem that, when I double boost it is a thing of beauty. It does such a raw, open and perfect rock tone I’m simply in awe every time I fire it up. It is THE sound of rock to my ears. I have a really good 83 2203 that when boosted, is amazing but it just doesn’t get the same clarity, definition, bite that the Trem does. I highly recommend finding a stock 50/100 NMV Marshall and giving it a go...it only does one thing, and it won’t do modern but that one thing to my ears is perfect for 70s-early 90s.
My ‘67 Trem 50 leans more dark like the Naylor, but I’d say it can do almost anything but heavier stuff or shred at a top notch level. It has even I think my favorite clean of all my amps. It’s killed my gas for modded Marshall’s. I liked some double boost combos a lot with it, but to me still liked it best definitely with just the Klon boosting. The volume taper is actually more gradual on mine, but does get very loud. I don’t realize how loud it is often since it’s a very pleasant sound, nothing harsh or ear fatiguing despite it being one of my louder amps. Will be interesting when it’s back from my tech with the Sylvania 6CA7’s. My impressions of it so far were with just JJ EL34’s

The Rockmonster I had sounded much better than that one. This was I believe the one I had if I’m not mistaken:

Sounded really good, but didn’t feel it hanged with the Cams I had at the time (no longer have them either). I guess with clips it’s hard to tell, but I remember it sounding even better and more chewy in person
MC is far superior to these chumps despite the negativity. Thats why if I put the amp up fs I'm not giving it away. I want what I want bc with a listing everyone takes a cut, reverb, PP ect...the amp has the IT that the gower, friedman, Fortin, Hermannson doesn't have. We're not talking about a $3k amp but it hasn't sold either and that's not a problem either, killer amp no matter where this goes.
MC is far superior to these chumps despite the negativity. Thats why if I put the amp up fs I'm not giving it away. I want what I want bc with a listing everyone takes a cut, reverb, PP ect...the amp has the IT that the gower, friedman, Fortin, Hermannson doesn't have. We're not talking about a $3k amp but it hasn't sold either and that's not a problem either, killer amp no matter where this goes.
I’ve not tried a Hermansson yet, but the Cams are definitely way better than those others you mentioned. The clips of the Hermansson sounded brittle and a little unpleasant to my ears, but sounded tight and like it would track very tightly. Maybe try listing it on Facebook groups like Groomed Noodlers. The guys there will jizz their pants over most Cameron stuff lol and you’d avoid those fees. Also Reza’s Facebook group (Advanced Guitar & Gear Trading Post it’s called). The guys on those groups tend to also be more respectful and won’t talk negatively about the Cameron stuff for the most part
Maybe someone here wouldn't mind doing that for me? I'm not on fb.
Back in the day Cameron actually was a hack. He stole ideas from some amps at two different stores in Huntington Beach and he change shit in and out till sounded good. Not an electronic genius by any stretch
I’ve not tried a Hermansson yet, but the Cams are definitely way better than those others you mentioned. The clips of the Hermansson sounded brittle and a little unpleasant to my ears, but sounded tight and like it would track very tightly. Maybe try listing it on Facebook groups like Groomed Noodlers. The guys there will jizz their pants over most Cameron stuff lol and you’d avoid those fees. Also Reza’s Facebook group (Advanced Guitar & Gear Trading Post it’s called). The guys on those groups tend to also be more respectful and won’t talk negatively about the Cameron stuff for the most part

...because they are too busy jerking each other off about how cool their overpriced crap is... and how awesome they all are.

Groomed Nutthuggers :emofag:
Rizza da Jizza

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