Well-known member
Interesting! How does the Evertune compare to a Floyd in regard to tuning stability? Is it the same or better than a Floyd? Always wanted to try an Evertune but if it basically has the same tuning stability as a Floyd I think I'll pass. BTW nice, detailed post!I'll chime in as my main guitar for the last 4-5 years has an Evertune (ESP Eclipse custom install)
- Stays in tune -- saves a lot of time on stage and while recording, no scrapping takes because you forgot to tune, or a bend pulled a string out of tune, less time spending tuning. After I was confident that the system stayed in tune I no longer check my tuning between every take while tracking, saves a lot of time.
- Intonation good all up the neck --- once dialed in you're set
- Once you figure out the zones and how to tweak the bridge you're in set it and forget it mode
Middle Ground-
- It will change the way your guitar sounds, so if you have a specific guitar you absolutely love the tone of I'd recommend against getting the bridge installed
- Some people randomly have a ton of issues with the system --- I cannot discern if its user error or actual issues, the 5 different Evertune loaded guitars I've played have been issue free
- Palm muting feel is different than any other bridge I've played on, takes a little bit getting used to
- Its obvious but still worth saying, there is no "going back" on an install --- you're stuck once you've pulled the trigger
- Most non-top of the line factory installed Evertune guitars are kinda shitty quality imo. The 1000 level ESP LTD's I've played loaded with the Evertune system have felt lower quality then the same 1000 level guitars.
- Installs on guitars you already own are extremely expensive (labor + hardware= $$$) and you'll never be able to recoup that value if you sell the instrument --- seriously. I bought a used ESP Eclipse that had a custom install done for $800 (yay eBay) which is almost as expensive as what I was quoted by Evertune proper to do an install on one of my guitars. The prior owner took a bath on that.
- Evertune guitars have less sustain on higher frets compared to their non-Evertune peers - this pops up in their groups and forums and people come out of the woodwork to defend the system and claim it doesn't happen to them but notes decay much faster on frets 15 and above, especially if there is a bend involved. Each Evertune loaded guitar that I've spent time on has the same issue. It isn't a deal breaker for me but if I'm doing lead work that has some sustaining sections I will use a different guitar.