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Not getting into a semantics argument with you. I retract the term terrorism and replace it with killing people because they don’t believe in or because they “ disrespect” Allah.
I'd add armed forces killing unarmed civilians including women and children.
well, the difference is Islam is still here spreading itself through violence around the world, just like it did to the places I listed; same as ever; unlike those you listed who are no longer around.
Where do you see evidence of this, as opposed to select groups of Muslims joining their religiosity with their battle agains the zionists and western backers? They simply doesn't exist. There are 1.3Billion muslims or something like that the last time I looked. You're talking about a very small group of muslims in the middle east where the west is active.
I'd add armed forces killing unarmed civilians including women and children.
Who do you think those 500k children were that Madeleine Albright claimed were "worth it" (Killing)?
Where do you see evidence of this, as opposed to select groups of Muslims joining their religiosity with their battle agains the zionists and western backers? They simply doesn't exist. There are 1.3Billion muslims or something like that the last time I looked. You're talking about a very small group of muslims in the middle east where the west is active.
and if given the opportunity many more would join in the violence. Have a look at their activities in western countries, as they gain majority the push for Sharia law and infringing the rights of others. While they may have come to non-Muslim western countries for various reasons, as their numbers grow so does their spread of Islam, when they have majorities they will use the laws/rules of democracy to end it, and bring in Sharia.

Did you notice that majority Muslim countries rarely take in Muslim refugees from other countries, unlike the West? That's because they know it will create more trouble in their own countries, that will grow and fester like a cancer in their society.
Who do you think those 500k children were that Madeleine Albright claimed were "worth it" (Killing)?
first, the "war" was "justified" based on fabrications and lies, like most US conflicts since the War of 1812, so I don't condone any of the actions and results.

that said, if it's war and civilians always suffer most, especially when military forces hide behind civilians, in hospitals, in schools, in residential neighborhoods, etc., like Ukraine, Hamas, Hezbollah, etc. WW2 Allies bombed entire cities full of civilians in Germany and Japan for max civilian casualties...even Eisenhower is on record saying the atomic bombs were unnecessary because Japan was ready to surrender, and was negotiating with the allies for a way to save face in surrender when the bombs were dropped.

The US has been using terrorist actions for centuries, since 17176 the US has been at war 229 years out of 246 years of existence. It's only now when other countries use terrorism that it's a problem for our ruling parasites. Two wrongs don't make a right.

The Iran we're dealing with today was created in the 1950s when the US and UK overthrew a democratically elected government because that Iranian government wanted more control of their natural resources and a great share of the profits, which the US and UK would not accept. After the overthrow of this democratic Iranian government the US and UK installed the Shah, who used terror and violence against his own people to stay in power and keep the US and UK profits from oil flowing.

Many countries that hate the US, UK and France have historic reasons for that hatred; it didn't magically appear overnight and without reason or cause.
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