Everything about this song sucks.

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It's a bit cookie cutter-ish...derivative of today, but the singer has a set of pipes and I did like the guitar solo...good vibrato.
I believe Dino is banking on his time in Whitesnake as exposure to the general public to market his music & talent. Being a keyboardist/backup lead vocalist for David Coverdale isn't an easy job. I think he's a talented vocalist and the song is actually good.
I pretty much agree this sucks ... I will say this is the most "unique" I have heard Dino sing, you can still hear all his influences but at least he has expanded a little although I still don't like his voice ... Music is very boring and sterile so yeah first and last time listening for me
I believe Dino is banking on his time in Whitesnake as exposure to the general public to market his music & talent. Being a keyboardist/backup lead vocalist for David Coverdale isn't an easy job. I think he's a talented vocalist and the song is actually good.
Yep, and I'm also thinking that now is a good time to release something with his band 'cause of "renewed" interest in hard rock thanks to Extreme.
Liked his work with the animal drive, back to the roots stuff. I don’t find his voice to work especially well with chunky modern metal riffs, and it gets a bit tiring after a while. Almost needs someone to write with as his vocal abilities outpace his ability to write great lyrics.
Also, can we cool it on whacking the low e for an entire song, and focus on some great rhythms? You have a singer with fantastic range, please put it to good use.
I don't blame people for hating it --the bass player isn't using a pick ! He can probably actually play.
I thought it was pretty good, the weakest link being the solo imo. But after decades of 'obligatory guitar solos' I've raised my standards for guitar solos to an almost unreachable level. I want more composition and less 'solo goes here...just play some stuff in your wheelhouse'.

I think I hear something a little bit Nickelback-ish. :banhim: