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I met Andy Wood in a Guitar Center in the early 2000's. Super chill and nice dude. He even invited me to play on stage with him and his old band at a local bar he used to play at a couple times. I've seen him around a few times over the years and I always try to say hello. Let me tell you... however good of a player you think Andy Wood is, he's better than that. He is one of the best guitar players alive today.
I also met Bjorn Gelotte of In Flames after a show back in the mid 2000's. Also a cool dude. I asked him how he got his sound and he said "Les Pauls, EMG pickups, 5150's. A lot of wood." lol.
Oh and when I worked in a music store a long time ago I helped Brent Mason pick out a pedalboard. He was still using it even as recently as a few years ago last I saw.
Dude, if Andy invited me onstage I don’t even know if I could say yes. I would just because it’d be dumb not to, but fuckin’ hell, man. That’s a situation that it doesn’t matter what tricks I could pull out of my back pocket, how well I was playing that day, if I warmed up for a week, all Andy has to do is tap the gas pedal and the floor has been wiped.