Favorite combo amp for live rock music?

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Wondering what you guys think is the best sounding combo amp for live classic 80s hard rock/metal music. I’ve got a dsl40cr, but I think I’d like to step up to a 212. Thinking maybe the blackstar or the evh iconic. Thoughts?
I gig with an Orange Super Crush 100 and sounds amazing but is solid state. I was looking at the Blackstar amps before.
Wondering what you guys think is the best sounding combo amp for live classic 80s hard rock/metal music
The one you sell to buy a head!

If you must go combo I’d suggest looking for an old Peavey 5150.

Can you make this your avatar? It would make me smile

Wondering what you guys think is the best sounding combo amp for live classic 80s hard rock/metal music. I’ve got a dsl40cr, but I think I’d like to step up to a 212. Thinking maybe the blackstar or the evh iconic. Thoughts?
That's what me and my other guitarist have been gigging out on for a while now are the Marshall DSL40CR's we got em miced up though and coming through our floor monitors.
Coach Reeves was a righteous dude!

I second a Peavey with tubes (gets you anywhere 80s- xxx, JSX, 6505- cheap too).
I loved that show—in 1986 it was on after school before HS hoops practice every day so we watched it religiously.

The only Peavey I’ve ever owned is the 5150 and I think that orig combo is great. Well as great as a combo amp can be lol 😉
I read this a "Amp Combo" and was about to talk about my Mesa Mark V full stack and Mesa Stiletto Deuce full stack that I run in stereo live. I don't think I can be as loud and obnoxious with just a combo.
If you're wanting a 2x12 Combo, the Peavey JSX 212s can still be found for reasonable prices, and cover a lot of ground. The built-in noise reduction is pretty useless though.
If you're wanting a 2x12 Combo, the Peavey JSX 212s can still be found for reasonable prices, and cover a lot of ground. The built-in noise reduction is pretty useless though.
Heavy as hell but great choice and cheap
Mesa/Boogie Mark V or Mark VII, but I don't know if they have 2x12's of them.
A more affordable 2x12 combo would be the Carvin V3. 3 channels, similar feature set to the Mark series, but it doesn't have the same sound.
I have the head versions of the Mark V and V3, and while the Mark V is "better" than the V3, I like the V3 a lot better than the DSL20CR, Revv G20, Peavey Invective MH, and Peavey ValveKing II, all of which I've sold after getting the V3.
The EVH 5150 III 212 is nice. Though I would look at the 50-watt head and a 212 cab. For the styles of music that you mentioned, the 5150 III series is very hard to beat.
Marshall 4104. ( 50 watt JCM800 in a 212 combo format ). Tough to beat as far as combos go..

And, they usually run cheaper than the heads....by a long shot.