Yeah I mean to be honest it shouldn't be an issue if it's implemented in 2025..... it is 2025 but yeah there is that argument that it kind of limits some ability to vote and have their vote heard.
ImO in either case both folks who hold those different points of views have equitable concerns about voting and well nothing is perfect unfortunately and maybe compromises could be reached or more can be done to keep folks mind at ease about possible voter fraud.
In either case here without voter fraud or voter ID being an issue Trump won, the election went smoothly and well in that sense either side could be content in knowing the system works and well it isn't perfect but it's our system and it should never be taken for granted..... People before us died and stuggled for our right to vote and the freedom to vote and it should never be taken for granted.
One can go to Arlington Cemetary or any memorial and see as far as the eye could see at the tombstones that voting is a sacred right and it should never be taken for granted.
I totally believe and share the same sentiment that voting is probably one of the most sacred rights of a citizen and it shouldn't be taken for granted or misused in any case.