
  • Thread starter Thread starter Jeff Hilligan
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I have another section cleaned out in the man cave that needs the TOL and 4x12 cab. :D
Greetings from China!!! Talk about being the "odd person out" !! I stand out in China like a sore thumb. They think I am Colonel sanders. What an experience.
FYI, Steve Vai bought his Egnater from Makin' Music in Hollywood. I met him quite a while after that. We never gave anything away.
bruce egnater":dfrnlfzd said:
Greetings from China!!! Talk about being the "odd person out" !! I stand out in China like a sore thumb. They think I am Colonel sanders.


I guess I can see what I'll look like when I'm 80 years old. I always thought the Colonel was pretty cool.
bruce egnater":26cvysmx said:
Greetings from China!!! Talk about being the "odd person out" !! I stand out in China like a sore thumb. They think I am Colonel sanders. What an experience.
FYI, Steve Vai bought his Egnater from Makin' Music in Hollywood. I met him quite a while after that. We never gave anything away.

Wow thanks for the Tid Bit. I know Vai bought his TC G system because he liked it.

I think if your a touring musician you should buy what you play. Its funny how most are starving musicians scraping together money for what they need and want. When they make it big shit is given to them. I would rather know someone on stage is playing equipment that they spent there hard earned money on because it is what they really wanted, then I would be more likely to believe in the product. I have seen bands that have a sponsors amp heads on stage and dont even have them turned on while their amp is miked back stage. Its like being tricked or lied to so company X can sell some product to some kid who thinks his favorite band / musician uses it.

Dont give products to people who have made it and can afford what ever they want. If they want your product then sell it to them and donate to a childrens/women breast cancer , local school music program, law enforcement or some cause you and/or the musician believes in.

Mod 50 loaded
M4 loaded
M4 loaded
RM100 getting dual mod
2 RT2/50's
2 TM212 cabs
getting 2 TM412 cabs

Just to sit in the garage for me to jam on alone :D $$KaChing$$ !!!
Enough of my rambling. :lol: :LOL:
Many "famous" players are pretty cool about the gear. Nuno would not release his new Randall amp until it was right and he would use it. He mentioned a few of his "famous" friends who don't really use the gear they endorse. He is not like that. Dan Donegan is the same way. It actually bothers them when their friends accept free gear and then don't really use it. There are a few who aren't totally truthful about what they really use but most of the guys that I've worked with have been honest about that.