Amp ho
It is its own Mark amp I’ve found. Voiced quite aggressively and modern. I find myself running the treble lower than other marks I’ve owned. Also, it can tolerate running the preamp bass much higher than other Marks- up to noon for high gain tones IME. I use the mids as more of a “feel control” for immediacy or give. I spent most of today playing the amp and thinks it’s fantastic. So many great tones to be pulled out of it. Also, I think 45 watt mode is just as good as 90, with its own tonal characteristics- little more sag, less mids- “hairier” sound that isn’t so up front. I’ve been running that for all 3 channels today and even 25w mode for IIB- shit that’s a killer combination@Bxlxaxkxe Interested in your VII settings. I'm familiar enough with the c+ and IV to get then sounding great. I'm struggling with the VII though. Very different from the other two.