Floyd Rose releases Stone Tone granite block

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Stonetone® Products":1t03cg9g said:

For Now, this link shows a custom Anderberg guitar made for John Rainey that has a entry level Floyd on it with a stock nickel plated steel block changed to a Rock Block.
Recorded on a high end JVC camcorder. We are very busy @ Stonetone as Floyd Rose is also selling allot of this new product as well.
Schecter is making 50 chris poland models and 25 custom shop guitars to start this summer and all 75 will have rock blocks on them and will be unvieled @ 2015 Namm.

Scott is very busy so instead of trying to get him to put off his solo cd etc. to make this video, I asked one of my friends to put this together for a simple obvious comparison.
This was recorded in a non acoustic correct room which not every one needs a acoustically correct room to hear the difference of these blocks, Granite vs metal.

There will be more to follow :thumbsup:

When you have your guy demo clips make sure to have some editing done so all we see and hear is guitar 1 stock block and same guitar 1 but with a stone block. No need for talking, no need to show how to swap a block, no need to tell the audience what guitar you are playing, no need to tell what you had for diner or anything else other than stock block and rock block.
Been awhile folks, I posted some links of Chris and Dave Reffett for now. Scott Gailor has a new Strat Block that has taken his tone to the stratosphere. Scott will be posting here with some audio at some point.. Hope all of you have had a prosperous 2015 so far as we have. Our website is constantly being updated, so for now save the hate for someone else, but if you want to bring your rig/tone to the next level here is the link to get your rocks on. http://www.stonetoneproducts.com Have a great day !


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I listened to your video, to me I sounds lie it's quite scooped and a lot of bright top end when the stone block was installed. Hard to tell with that much gain what else it does but clearly not what I'd be looking for. To me the tone went from nice and girthy to Line 6 buzziness and sounded cheap and thin...IMO.
Stonetone® Products":2nw1p5n0 said:

For Now, this link shows a custom Anderberg guitar made for John Rainey that has a entry level Floyd on it with a stock nickel plated steel block changed to a Rock Block.
Recorded on a high end JVC camcorder. We are very busy @ Stonetone as Floyd Rose is also selling allot of this new product as well.
Schecter is making 50 chris poland models and 25 custom shop guitars to start this summer and all 75 will have rock blocks on them and will be unvieled @ 2015 Namm.

Scott is very busy so instead of trying to get him to put off his solo cd etc. to make this video, I asked one of my friends to put this together for a simple obvious comparison.
This was recorded in a non acoustic correct room which not every one needs a acoustically correct room to hear the difference of these blocks, Granite vs metal.

There will be more to follow :thumbsup:
There is no way your block or anyone else's will add that much gain... He either had the gain pulled back for the first part, or he dimed it for the second. It would have been more believable if it was a quarter of the added gain I heard in the vid. Now you have eliminated any doubt in my mind this whole thing is bullshit. You must think we are a bunch of noobs here. We can smell bullshit a mile away. This comparison was utter bullshit done up to make something seem better than it actually is. I'm a little saddened that CP would tie himself to your bullshit.
I'm out...
Proceed as you see fit to, I'm pretty sure this will not end as you intended.
If you haven't tried one then you just don't know. :) To name some current pros using the product like George Lynch, Chris Poland, Ira Black, Jeff Loomis, Dave Reffett, Scott Gailor and Ronny North are all in a conspiracy to lie? Your opinion is welcome yet your crass insults are moot. We make rock blocks for all the Floyd Rose lines normal and L style, Sterling by music man JP-60 JP-70 JP-100D AX40D, Gotoh, Ibanez, wolfgangs and permanent installed string thru and stud/insert blocks.


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WALL TOWNSHIP, NJ – Floyd Rose, after maintaining a catalog of upgrades strictly for authentic Floyd Rose Tremolo Systems, has recently expanded to include select upgrades for Ibanez, Dean and Gotoh tremolo systems, including double locking bridges found standard on guitars such as the Dean Dimebag ML and Ibanez RG Series, as well as many others.

One of the upgrades now designed to accommodate these bridges is the Stone Tone Rock Block. Made from Volcano Black Absolute Granite, the Stone Tone sustain block is one of the top tier upgrades for the Floyd Rose Tremolo System, with a compression strength of 19,000 psi, a tension strength of 700 psi—the material these blocks are made of is the fourth densest on earth next to Diamond, Carbon and Quartz. The untampered material used to form these blocks has an inherent crystalline atomic structure which has ideal resonant qualities, and naturally increases sustain and amplitude on any Floyd-outfitted instrument across all frequency ranges. Formerly, this block was only available for authentic Floyd Rose Tremolo Systems, but new models are now available (the millimeter measurement refers to the length of the block):
40mm Gotoh– This Stone Tone block features smaller mounting hardware to match the smaller mounting holes and mounting hole spacing of Gotoh bridges.

31mm Ibanez Lo Edge Pro– This block is designed to fit the most popular Ibanez double locking tremolo system, the Edge Pro, which is found on all Ibanez RG 550’s, as well as many other models. The block is contoured for maximum travel; the spring side is beveled so that you can add mass to your bridge without sacrificing any range of pulling up or diving.

28mm– This block introduces a smaller length than our other sustain blocks, and will fit the Floyd Rose Original as well as all locking tremolo systems found on Dean Dime ML and Razorback guitars (as will our already available 32mm, 37mm and 42mm Stone Tone blocks).
Another upgrade that can accommodate bridges other than the Original Floyd Rose is the Hollow Point Intonation System. This is a recent addition to the Floyd Rose Upgrades catalog, an intuitive upgrade for double locking bridges that allows the user to easily make saddle position adjustments, greatly reducing set up time. The upgrade comes with six brand new string lock screws outfitted with solid brass “hollow points” which allow fine intonation adjustments to be easily made by hand, and also add mass to the bridge. This upgrade functions perfectly on all Original Floyd Rose Tremolo Systems as well as the Ibanez Edge.


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Can you please STOP the fucking advertising already?????? This is a guitar forum, not a place to relentlessly hock your questionable product. As I clearly said above I don't like what it did to the tone. Period, end of story. Sounded like crap after the block was installed, no warmth, fizzy top end, pulled midrange. This is your demo so what do you want from us if this is the takeaway? What little before/ after you provided I didn't like and I'm willing to bet I'm not alone. Your relentless hocking of this product with little to no evidence that it actually has a demonstrable improvement to the tone of a guitar is getting quite old. Please, do us a favor. If we want your product we know where to find it. Thanks
What next?? Quartz sustain block??, gold sustain block?? I got one of those big brass sustain blocks... the increase in sustain and tone these things are supposed to add is in everyone's heads.. it doesn't do jack shit, at least not anything noticable...
Floyd Rose is proud to announce exclusive distribution of Stone Tone Rock Block sustain blocks. These patented blocks are made of granite, and are designed to enhance and strengthen the sound of your tremolo-equipped instrument across the entire audio spectrum. After installing a Stone Tone block, the guitar’s clarity, sustain, and overall tone will be improved equally in all ranges of the fret board… the extraordinary results of this upgrade are indisputable.
Granite, when quarried in its natural state, is not only of an ideal density for the purpose of sustain, but also has a crystalline atomic structure which is ideal for sonic transference— it requires no factory processing or dilution, and the natural change in sound, upon installation, is so drastic that signal loss from the guitar to the amplifier will be decreased by at least 30%. The Stone Tone Rock Block is compatible with the Floyd Rose Original Tremolo System and its derivatives, as well as many licensed models. Comes with stainless steel sustain block mounting screws, and available in an L-shape block configuration… check them out!


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Authentic upgrades.


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2nd order for Jeff Young... :thumbsup:


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No. Jeff Young from Facebook, lol. This StonedTone idiot has been all over Facebook with his nonsensical earth-rock-atoms-space ion bullshit. Some dude named Jeff Young bought some, and he now joins the ranks of Ronny North!!!!!!!

Stone Tone dude has obviously escaped from a mental asylum. I see this morning he has deleted all the Facebook rants.