Gobble my crank, hillbilly.God bless you, Satan / (Chuckles) ??
So he doesn't deny he loves pedophilia he just wants to show that it happens with liberal professors as well .
The difference is the Catholic Church knows it's wrong and the people who engage in it are held accountable which is the complete opposite of todays democrat party . Democrats promote it and are attempting to decriminalize it because they view pedophiles as victims of todays society .Dude, you got a long history of PROVEN pedophilia in that there Catholic Church I assume you
hold in high esteem, so maybe go throw your stones somewhere else.
Did you type this part with a straight face? Bernard Law - look him up.The difference is the Catholic Church knows it's wrong and the people who engage in it are held accountable
Again, you're confusing priests who actually got young alter boys to suck them off vs every day Democrats/Liberalswhich is the complete opposite of todays democrat party .
Promote what? Young naive boys being seduced by older powerful men - who then stick their dicks in the kid's mouths?Democrats promote it
Did you type this part with a straight face? Bernard Law - look him up.
He's one of dozens and dozens of examples of 'being held accountable' by the almighty church.
Again, you're confusing priests who actually got young alter boys to suck them off vs every day Democrats/Liberals
who simply are not freaked out about LBGTQ people and Drag Shows.
You fucks see bogey men where they don't exist, and have never existed.
You're just afraid of societal evolution and your old Luddite social views being pushed into history.
Where they belong.
Promote what? Young naive boys being seduced by older powerful men - who then stick their dicks in the kid's mouths?
Define what Democrats are doing in criminal terms.
Take the bible and moral dogmas out of the equation.
Criminal by State and/or Federal law.
Next time you see someone who looks gay or trans walk over to them and ask them where they're from
- and then strike up a conversation about it.
I dare you .
p.s. you will not burst into flames
The destruction of all that made America good is in full forward mode. What made America good is being replaced by mentally ill people who’ve succumbed to brain-washing through the media, schools (K- college grads) and “tolerant” politically correct parents, also victims of brain washing. Over the past few years, the latest nonsense is the non-existent ‘non-binary person’. What does that mean?
“The term “nonbinary” can mean different things to different people. At its core, it’s used to describe someone whose gender identity isn’t exclusively male or female. Some people who are nonbinary experience their gender as both male and female, and others experience their gender as neither male nor female. Nonbinary can also be used as an umbrella term, encompassing many gender identities that don’t fit into the male-female binary.”
What rubbish. Scientifically, there is no ‘many gender identities’. The human body genetically is either male or female, period.
Let me give you an example of how successful Lucifer has been the past 75-80 years.
Illinois is going to install “Baby Baphomet”, a grotesque statue at their Capitol holiday display during Christmas week courtesy of the Satanic Temple. Who are they? Well, they have chapters nationwide.
We have previously covered the disturbing movement on the left to tolerate pedophilia and categorize it as some sort of sexual identity along with the likes of ‘queer,’ ‘pansexual’ and ‘intersex’.
When Elon Musk recently announced that he wanted to implement improvements on Twitter to better protect children against predators, he was attacked and labelled a ‘far right’ extremist.
In the UK, this level of nonce sense has reached the point where the police are spending time defending convicted pedophiles against ‘hate’ and enforcing the ‘correct’ use of pronouns. In Ireland, a teacher who refused to use the pronouns ‘they/them’ a the behest of one student has been thrown in PRISON.
As we have repeatedly highlighted, parents of children as young as Kindergarten age in schools throughout the U.S. have found themselves in battles against officials over books and subject matter, including transgenderism, pedophilia, and open gay pornography.
The children’s books in question contain graphic depictions of oral sex between gay men, as well as a host of other material that is objectively unsuitable for children.
Parents nation-wide have found themselves under attack by leftists, government entities, law enforcement and even the military over recent months after taking on school officials.
Where the material has been removed, LGBTQ+ activists and the media have described it as ‘book banning‘.
Meanwhile, Joe Biden is heading up the gaslighting.
Earlier this week, GOP Senator Rand Paul raised the issue of doctors carrying out transgender surgeries on children, and the propaganda that has prompted a massive increase in young Americans feeling they do not have the ‘right’ body.
“Who is responsible for telling a four-year-old that we need to talk about their gender and whether they’re in the appropriate body?” Paul asked.
“Who’s talking about giving picture books to six-year-olds with illustrations of surgery to remove their genitalia?” the Senator continued.
“It’s Democrat politicians and woke left-wing people,” Paul asserted, further urging “Republicans are not perfect. But Republicans are not pushing your child to have surgery to remove their genitalia as early as elementary school.”
Define what Democrats are doing in criminal terms.
Take the bible and moral dogmas out of the equation.
Criminal by State and/or Federal law.
I've been trying and trying but I keep getting the below message . It would be thousands and thousands of pages long .So you got nothing in your own words then, @ccn ?
The Parental Rights in Education legislation, which was signed into law by Gov. Ron DeSantis, prohibits teachers from having conversations with students K-3 involving sexual orientation or gender identity, without explicit parental approval.
activist Jen Cousins is fighting that effort, naming in a lawsuit schools in Orange County, Duval County, Indian River County and Palm Beach.
According to a report in the Gateway Pundit, Cousins’ campaign now includes berating public officials “for removing tomes that include abhorrent text and graphic pictorial representations of sometimes pedophiliac sex acts…”
The lawsuit, being handled by the extremists at the Southern Poverty Law Center and other foundations, claims the law “was enacted to shame and silence LGBT students and families.”
The legal claim suggests, “HB 1557 shames and stigmatizes these students and families, invites school officials, teachers, and classmates to view them as inferior, harms their long-term health and well-being, and denies them equal educational opportunities on the basis of their sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, and transgender status.”
The report noted, however, that, “The intent of the bill has been quite clear from the start. It serves to stop woke progressive educators from manipulating young children to participate in the consumption of pornographic and pedophiliac text, along with adopting the far-left political stances of the very people tasked with educating them about reading, writing, and arithmetic.”
The Gateway Pundit explained its journalist was ejected from a meeting of the Orange County schools “for simply reading passages from ‘Gender Queer,’ a filthy pornographic novel that was available to students without parental permission…”
Cousins, the report explains, also, “routinely refers to anyone who opposes sexually charged content and pornographic materials in public schools as a ‘domestic terrorist, white nationalist, or racist.'”
The report noted Pastor Willie Montague, a candidate in Florida’s 10th congressional district in Central Florida, said he is “enraged” that people like Cousins are trying to impose their agenda on students.
“We want our children to be safe from the political games being played right out right now across America. Pornographic novels like ‘Gender Queer’ have no place among our children. The fact that we have a group of people who want to brainwash schoolchildren with their perverse sexual ideals should not only be concerning, it is now criminal for them to do so thanks to Gov. Ron DeSantis. When I get to D.C., federal legislation addressing this indoctrination across America will be one of my first priorities.”
@DemNuts Hey dickhead, you saw this post https://www.rig-talk.com/forum/thre...nned-from-thegearpage-tgp.203098/post-3147205 so answer what was asked of you.So all you got is internet articles?
I want case results where Democratic politicians were charged with the crime of pedo. Put up some links to stories about the actual case and sentencing.
I can post tons of actual trial notes regarding the church. What you got on the DNC?