Fortin Evil Pumpkin

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I bought the Fortin 'Sigil' lunch box head years ago. It's a great sounding little amp, to my ear as good or better than the other lunch box style amps out there. A few months later, I saw a bunch of posts about when you put the amp in 'Standby' mode, you can still hear guitar signal coming thru. Went out and tested mine. Yeah, with my guitar volume full open, you can faintly hear a tiny bit of signal trying to eeek thru. Roll the guitars volume down to halfway or lower,,,nothing, quite as a church mouse. Some people here were bashing the build quality, Fortin quality control is slipping, and the like. I just didn't get it. The amp was $1200 if I remember. Yes, a little pricey, but mine sounded very good, gobs of high gain on channel 2, and a very useable semi-broken up tone when dime-ing channel 1's volume and using its Gain knob as volume. Fx loop very transparent. For a very small lunchbox amp, I thought it was very good.
Anyway, maybe I got a good one, not sure. I guess being able to hear any guitar signal at all when the amp is on standby is a deal breaker for some. I just didn't get it. It's a great grab and go little high gain amp. Can't speak for anything else Fortin really, just the Sigil. Mines a keeper.
Yeah there's a ton of nit picking online. Guilty of it myself at times but something like that I wouldn't consider an issue.

The MT15 I had I noticed a similar thing. If you're on channel 2 and change the eq on channel 1 then it affects channel 2.

Never saw anyone talk about that but if it was made by a different company people would have started a riot.
Just trying to gauge thoughts/feelings on this amp via anyone who bought one. I ended up caving and getting one annd…… didn’t really vibe with it. I ended up selling mine and am happier for it but I’ve always wondered if there was something I missed. I spend hours if not cumulative days trying to dial this thing in for my tastes and just couldn’t dial the Fortin flavor out of it? Haha. I know the negative connotation that comes with the brand due to their shady beginnings as well as the drama around the Sigil but all in all the QA/QC wasn’t bad I didn’t think - just the sound. Thoughts?

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I love mine the thing with fortin it can sound thin and clanky without the gains high. Running the gain high is what is it full body. That being said this amp has a stupid amount of gain. So what I did was put a lower gain tube in v2 i believe and now its only of my favorite tones it seriously made a world of difference. Now i can dime the gains and maintain clarity and its nice and full. With still a ridiculous amount of gain.
I dont want to shit on Fortin the man himself but I feel like he blew off a missed opportunity with his mods. His Hulk modded 800 was one of the most insane amps I’ve ever heard. IIRC I think he stopped because parts to do the mod ran dry but man if that’s true, he should’ve figured out a work around. I’ve heard his Cali is the answer to it but that amp is a dud IMO. Lacks character and is uninspiring to play.
I can’t see that being the case. There’s just not much proprietary in any tube amp
I can’t see that being the case. There’s just not much proprietary in any tube amp

Especially given this is a derivative of that circuit... the pumpkin started out as a Hulk then had more tweaks done over time.

IIRC he stopped doing the hulk because it was too much work as a mod since it pretty much completely rebuilt the amp
God this guy sucks…his amps are trash, he’s a con, and rips others off… not sure what else needs to be discussed…also, the neural fortin Meshuggah plugin sounds way better than the actual amp, 100 percent will stick by that, change my mind.
God this guy sucks…his amps are trash, he’s a con, and rips others off… not sure what else needs to be discussed…also, the neural fortin Meshuggah plugin sounds way better than the actual amp, 100 percent will stick by that, change my mind.
Not the first time I’ve heard this about the amp. Not sure what the deal is there…
God this guy sucks…his amps are trash, he’s a con, and rips others off… not sure what else needs to be discussed…also, the neural fortin Meshuggah plugin sounds way better than the actual amp, 100 percent will stick by that, change my mind.
Unlike 2c+, this time I believe you ?
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