Fortin threatens pedal maker with lawsuit

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Hello, pleased to make your acquaintance. I will respond point by point.

My condolences for knowing Larry personally.

1. Agreed. Why wouldn’t he be the new Dumble? He worked for KittyHawk amps at one time, and KH had some sort of arrangement with HAD to import certain Dumble components/parts to Europe. Then the amps could be assembled and distributed in Europe. So many Dumble secrets and schematics must have made their way into KH headquarters.

2. Nothing about Larry is simple. There are always ridiculous, baffling and inevitable complications along the way when dealing with him in a business sense. At least 99% of the time. Maybe you’re an exception since you’re local?

3. Larry is a borderline con artist. It does not please me to state such strong accusations but numbers don’t lie. Too many people have been left with too many unfulfilled promises to state otherwise. Again, I stress the term ‘borderline’.

Your last paragraph, please see point 1.

Again, nice meeting you and take note that I have indeed purchased products from him.

This statement is directed at the general public and had to be because (once again) what appears to be a very frustrated and bitter retiree who appears to be suffering from the agony of boredom is trying to tape a spiteful insinuation to my forehead:

The period when KH imported complete amps from HAD but without cabinets and speakers was from 1981 to 1985

My time at KH was from 1988 to 1990 and thus at a time when the HAD clone era at KH was years gone and they had now developed their own Junior, M1 and M3 models.

My creations at KH were the two 4-channel preamps Quattro and Testarossa, as well as the 2*100W stereo power amplifier.

By the way, Dumble amps and circuits had never really interested me since I soldered amps. They're great amps and I've had a few on my bench for service - but they're just not my world at all in terms of donuts ?‍♂️
This statement is directed at the general public and had to be because (once again) what appears to be a very frustrated and bitter retiree who appears to be suffering from the agony of boredom is trying to tape a spiteful insinuation to my forehead:

The period when KH imported complete amps from HAD but without cabinets and speakers was from 1981 to 1985

My time at KH was from 1988 to 1990 and thus at a time when the HAD clone era at KH was years gone and they had now developed their own Junior, M1 and M3 models.

My creations at KH were the two 4-channel preamps Quattro and Testarossa, as well as the 2*100W stereo power amplifier.

By the way, Dumble amps and circuits had never really interested me since I soldered amps. They're great amps and I've had a few on my bench for service - but they're just not my world at all in terms of donuts ?‍♂️
Build me a 200 watt single channel and everybody wins.
What’s the over/under predictions of the page count on this thread after today?
Please, explain what is your problem with me? I dont insulted You.
I don't give a shit about you. I just stated the obvious: Your first post here is sucking off the shit eating caterpillar and you are surprised that you get well-deserved pusback. Woosh!
I don't give a shit about you. I just stated the obvious: Your first post here is sucking off the shit eating caterpillar and you are surprised that you get well-deserved pusback. Woosh!
Please, explain what is your problem with me? I dont insulted You.

@Andor006 Gegen die derben, ordinären und boshaften Äusserungen primitiver, minderintelligenter, hasserfüllter und neiderfüllter Menschen gibt es keine Argumente und auch keinen Medikamente, die denen helfen würden. Solche Menschen muss man einfach ignorieren und sie ihren eigenen Weg weiter ziehen lassen. Jedes Wort in deren Richtung wäre sinnlose Verschwendung kostbarer Lebenszeit ?

@ all others There are no arguments and no drugs that would help against the coarse, vulgar and malicious statements of primitive, unintelligent, hateful and envious people. You just have to ignore people like that and let them go their own way. Any word in their direction would be a senseless waste of precious lifetime ?
@ all others There are no arguments and no drugs that would help against the coarse, vulgar and malicious statements of primitive, unintelligent, hateful and envious people. You just have to ignore people like that and let them go their own way. Any word in their direction would be a senseless waste of precious lifetime ?

I dunno man, LSD is pretty fucking fantastic.
@Andor006 Gegen die derben, ordinären und boshaften Äusserungen primitiver, minderintelligenter, hasserfüllter und neiderfüllter Menschen gibt es keine Argumente und auch keinen Medikamente, die denen helfen würden. Solche Menschen muss man einfach ignorieren und sie ihren eigenen Weg weiter ziehen lassen. Jedes Wort in deren Richtung wäre sinnlose Verschwendung kostbarer Lebenszeit ?

@ all others There are no arguments and no drugs that would help against the coarse, vulgar and malicious statements of primitive, unintelligent, hateful and envious people. You just have to ignore people like that and let them go their own way. Any word in their direction would be a senseless waste of precious lifetime ?
Ich kenne die Situation sehr gut Larry. Einige hasserfüllte Leuten vergessen den altes Sprichwort : Auch die negative Werbung ist Werbung. ☝️?