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Nah, I'm willing to bet that Jack is in his late 50's, still living in his mommy's basement, an incell, probably steals his sister's panties from the bathroom hamper and races to the mailbox with his parents, to see who will get their Social Security check first like most MAGA Patriots .


You’re right?
I guess it’s time to hang myself
What time is it in Bangcock Stripped_Rights?

I see you and the other mental patient have been up all throughout the off hours of the morning

When banning one has to set a timeframe; it's either a specified length of time or perma, so there's no room in-between, IOW, an "unspecified" length of time. Members usually receive 1, 2 then 3-day bans before "perma" ones.

In most cases the offences aren't "hard-core" such as issuing believable death threats, repeatedly posting porn after being warned, declaring war on a racial group and so on.

In the former category of cases, and I can only truly speak for myself at this moment, I see "perma" as "unspecified", meaning that there's always a chance the member could learn something from the experience and possibly behave him or herself one day. This is the only reason Donnie was allowed to rejoin a number of times back in the day and is here now.

As to your question, "why have mods", only someone who hasn't seen the ridiculous amount of work I (for example) have done BTS could ask that. Things do need to be kept in-order you know, the Classifieds section being an example of this that requires daily checking and editing. Monitoring all posts for transgressions, approving or disapproving new membership or name-change requests, attending to reports and PM's... there's a lot to do.
OK....Then I'll rephrase the question. Why ban anybody, at all, at any time? Donnie hasn't learned shit and you know it. He's done this multiple times across multiple boards over the years. You want to continue to enable his mental illness and bullshit, so be it. I'll just continue treating him like the fucked up little bitch he is. I really don't care. Don't establish rules if you're A: not going to enforce them or B: move the goal posts of said rule. "No worries"
P.S. This is the last comment I'm making on the issue so no need to reply.
OK....Then I'll rephrase the question. Why ban anybody, at all, at any time?

Did you read the part about repeated posting of porn, verifiable threats, overt racial aggression, etc.?

Plenty of reasons for perma-bans.
My crime here?
Letting a few of you jerks get under my skin - and at the time my fuse was very short and I had a piss ton
of anger bottled up (pardon the pun).

You just dislike me and want me gone because I'm liberal and loudly speak my mind - especially against all
things related to 1/6/2021 and those that show any empathy towards it.

I'm playing extremely nice.
I haven't bothered the mods at all.
I'm contributing to the forum regarding music and gear.

@Monkey Man is a good guy and believes in additional chances if he deems it appropriate.
He and I have always gotten along really well and exchanged often as just forum peeps.
He knew I was blowing a gasket BECAUSE OF YOU GUYS ONLY, and that it wasn't all that I was about as a member here.

You got a beef with me and likewise. Stop whining about it to the mods.

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Did you read the part about repeated posting of porn, verifiable threats, overt racial aggression, etc.?

Plenty of reasons for perma-bans.
My crime here?
Letting a few of you jerks get under my skin - and at the time my fuse was very short and I had a piss ton
of anger bottled up (pardon the pun).

You just hate me and want me gone because I'm liberal and loudly speak my mind - especially against all
things related to 1/6/2023 and those that show any empathy towards it here.

I'm playing extremely nice.
I haven't bothered the mods at all.
I'm contributing to the forum regarding music and gear.

@Monkey Man is a good guy and believes in additional chances if he deems it appropriate.
He and I have always gotten along really well and exchanged often as just forum peeps.
He knew I was blowing my gasket BECAUSE OF YOU GUYS ONLY and it wasn't all that I was
about as a member here.

You got a beef with me and likewise. Stop whining about it to the mods.


Everyone else’s fault, We understand?
Did you read the part about repeated posting of porn, verifiable threats, overt racial aggression, etc.?

Plenty of reasons for perma-bans.
My crime here?
Letting a few of you jerks get under my skin - and at the time my fuse was very short and I had a piss ton
of anger bottled up (pardon the pun).

You just hate me and want me gone because I'm liberal and loudly speak my mind - especially against all
things related to 1/6/2023 and those that show any empathy towards it here.

I'm playing extremely nice.
I haven't bothered the mods at all.
I'm contributing to the forum regarding music and gear.

@Monkey Man is a good guy and believes in additional chances if he deems it appropriate.
He and I have always gotten along really well and exchanged often as just forum peeps.
He knew I was blowing my gasket BECAUSE OF YOU GUYS ONLY and it wasn't all that I was
about as a member here.

You got a beef with me and likewise. Stop whining about it to the mods.

Hate you? I don't know you well enough, nor do I care enough to exert the energy of hate over you. I don't whine to anybody, bitchboy. Unlike you. What you see from me is my disgust for hypocrisy and lack of accountability. But those two things are the liberal way of life so I wouldn't expect any other type of response from you.

I feel sorry for you. You're fucked in the head and won't admit it. How many times, on how many different forums have, you been down this road?
You can refuse to take responsibility all you want. That IS your way, after all.
I'll continue to treat you like the clown show you are.
Well, one of these three things are true:

Diarrhea of an Asshole was in combat at age 3 working for a secret joint US/Mexico SOG with a distinguished multi decade career following numerous felony DV and DUIs.

I'm full of shit.

He's full of shit.

It's pretty easy to cross reference information on the internet that doesn't add up from numerous different forum posts across it. A spill here and there certainly doesn't help his standing in finding out who he truly is. And yes, ANYONE liking his racist rhetoric and ignorant rants are just as big of a POS as he is, and I'm not going to be pressured into feeling bad about calling it out. He wants to keep up with his utter garbage, let him keep digging. His Princess Rambo fantasies are just that. He knows the truth (or given his insane out of touch with reality rambling; maybe he doesn't?). For whatever reason I gather that he's ashamed of his true heritage and decided to create a lala land fantasy adventure about himself starring Chief Petty O'Rambo. Guess the regular clout wagon wasn't working for him.