Freedom of Speech

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All of this applies to little hands trump supporters on Jan 6 too. I'm sure most were peaceful and voicing their opinion. They had every right to do so. But you have to separate the trespassers, people trying to harm cops, and the people who made a pipe bomb, etc. people have to accept their was a rather large group trying to cause problems in the shadows. Maybe they didn't realize they had crossed the line due to making stupid decisions in the moment, but I'm sure the same thing can be said for others.

Blanket defending or attacking everyone based on their beliefs and assuming they are disruptive and evil is the entire problem with US politics and like 10 people on this forum.
Says the guy who told me to go fuck myself for I don't even know why. (Probably a belief of mine. Hypocrite)
Sure thing. Do you guys actually think you're fooling anyone? :ROFLMAO:

While in the real world...
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CNutz has been conditioned to assimilate and parrot the dictates of corporation media and public education. Critical thinking escapes them.
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CNutz , you post so racist stuff. You’re the one posting shit like that. I seen some distasteful stuff, but you take the cake.
Blanket defending or attacking everyone based on their beliefs and assuming they are disruptive and evil is the entire problem with US politics and like 10 people on this forum.

I'd like to be clear about something. I have a 31 and 37 year old kids and a soon to be 3 yo grandchild.
I could care less about me. I'll skate through my final years no matter what happens to the country.
But what I see brewing on the other side is an autocracy and I do not want that for my kids.

Bottom line via the rule of US law. Joe Biden was elected president. We should have moved on.

Instead we have an ex-president doing his damnedest to convince half the country our elections are BS.

Care to look in a crystal ball to see what will happen from now on with every sore loser politician
and their voters?

Whitewash the insurrection? Never. I don't want to live in a country that calls that 'just a few bad actors'.

Continue the big lie? Then by 2022 and 2024 counting the votes won't matter. Doesn't everybody get that?

You talk traitor shit I'm calling you out. Over and over again. YOU are hurting the country. YOU are fucking
with democracy.
Funny (or sad) thing is all the douche bags in this thread are nothing but pussies.
Too afraid to speak what they really feel about the black man and other minorities.
Try to spin it that they are righteous and love thy brother not matter the color.
What a joke if you think you represent the party of Lincoln.

A whataboutisms for you Trumpsters.

In 2000 Gore won the popular vote by over 500,000 votes.
He lost the electoral vote by 5 votes - all on the final state Florida.

(for reference, Trump lost by the electoral college by 74 votes in November.)

Florida was warned by the Supreme Court to get their shit together with the re-count.
Finally, after a month the courts stepped in a halted the recount before it was over.

Jeb Bush was governor of Florida. The secretary of state for Florida was GOP. and the court leaned right.

Gore lost by a little over 500 votes, in a single state, where the court had halted counting before it was over.
Trump lost by 8,000,000 votes and lost 4 swing states go to Biden.

What would you fuckwards have done back in 2000 if you were Gore voters? Gore should have gone crazy
screaming fraud.

Hate on Gore on you want but he did what was right for the country. He conceded, gave a televised
concession speech, congratulated Bush, and went to the inauguration. (pissed as hell the entire time)

I wonder what all of you Trumpers would have thought about Gore voters storming the Capitol.
Or the DNC having a private audit 6 months after the fact to feed the narrative that Gore was robbed.
Or allowing their boy to trash THEIR country's democracy for SIX FUCKING MONTHS - with no end in site.

Do everyone a favor and find a country where you always win and are always in power.
The USA is not suited for your type.

Unleashing Liz Cheney (and her huge influence on the real GOP) was the biggest fucking mistake you ever made.

I despise the Cheney's.
I despise Trump and him trying to turn the USA into a dictatorship way much more.

UNLEASH THE GIFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Meanwhile Trump hangs out with Martin Luther King Jr's niece with no problems at all ?


Yes, cause this whitewashes all of the other racist shit he openly sells to his racist base.

Is there such thing an an intelligent and mentally stable Trump apologist? Someone who won't fall
for gaslighting so easily - even the positive type.


Another whataboutism.

Let's say the private GOP audit in AZ finds 'something'.

What do you expect to happen next?
What's the end-game?
Funny (or sad) thing is all the douche bags in this thread are nothing but pussies.
Too afraid to speak what they really feel about the black man and other minorities.
Try to spin it that they are righteous and love thy brother not matter the color.
What a joke if you think you represent the party of Lincoln.
Lincoln was the worst disaster ever to befall the United States.

Lincoln destroyed the federal republic established by the founding fathers, and he destroyed the Constitution that protected it. He violated every provision of, and every Amendment to the Constitution. He then rewrote, in effect, the Constitution and left the 10th Amendment out.

The Lincoln regime was a dictatorship. Lincoln disregarded US law, the US Constitution, every right of the people, the power and authority of judges, and even exiled a US Representative. DiLorenzo writes that “freedom of speech was virtually nonexistent in the Northern states for the duration of the Lincoln administration.” Lincoln ordered the arrest and imprisonment of everyone who disapproved of his invasion of the South or made the slightest criticism of him. There were mass arrests of citizens and news paper editors of northern states. A minimum of 38,000 citizens of northern states were imprisoned without due process.

Lincoln committed treason against the Constitution when he suspended Habeas Corpus. No such power resides in the presidency. Only Congress can suspend Habeas Corpus even in the case of rebellion and invasion.

US Supreme Court Chief Justice Roger B. Taney ruled Lincoln’s suspension of habeas corpus was unconstitutional. New York Tribune editor Horace Greeley wrote that it may be necessary to teach Taney a lesson. Lincoln had an arrest warrent written for Taney’s arrest, but did not serve it, apparently instead relying on Taney’s awareness of the warrant to bring him into line.

1. Lincoln waged a war that cost the lives of 620,000 Americans. Including the murder of 50,000 innocent Southern civilians.

2. He arrested several thousand Marylanders suspected of Southern sympathies, including 30 members of the State legislature, a US Congressman representing Maryland, the mayor and police commissioner of Baltimore, and most of the Baltimore city council. These political detainees were imprisoned in Fort McHenry and Point Lookout without trial, in many cases, for several years.

3. He suspended the writ of habeas corpus without the consent of Congress (as required by the Constitution).

4. He illegally shut down and confiscated the printing presses of dozens of newspapers that had spoken out against him.

5. He re-instated and summarily promoted an Army officer who had been court martial'd and cashiered by the US Army for war crimes.

6. He even had an arrest warrant issued for the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court because said justice refused to back his illegal actions.

7. Chief Justice Roger B Taney ruled that Lincolns actions were illegal, criminal and unconstitutional.

8. He invaded the South without the consent of Congress as required by the Constitution.

9. He blockaded Southern ports without a declaration of war, as required by the Constitution.

10. He imprisoned without trial, hundreds of newspaper editors and owners and censored all newspaper and telegraph communication.

11. He created two new states without the consent of the citizens of those states in order to artificially inflate the Republican Party electoral vote.

12. He ordered Federal troops to interfere with Northern elections to assure his Party victories.

13. He confiscated private property, including firearms, in violation of the Second Amendment; and effectively gutted the Tenth and Ninth Amendments as well.

14. He had his Generals attack US cities full of women and children and burn them to the ground.
The Lincoln regime was a dictatorship.

In your opinion.
History has had a long time to evaluate all-things Lincoln.
Not just US history, but Global history.

I guess history is 'in on it' too?
In your opinion.
History has had a long time to evaluate all-things Lincoln.
Not just US history, but Global history.

I guess history is 'in on it' too?
What was posted is a quote per research by Thomas J. DiLorenzo, not my opinion. Are you some sort of red diaper idiot?