Freedom of Speech

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I did not say slave owners, I said southerners wanted to keep them niggas in place. Which is exactly what the vast majority of southerns wanted.
Southern Man by Neil Young says it all brother.
You're still making a universal affirmative (a principle of logic). Are you suggesting that every person in the south, and I will presume white, since there are black southerners, want blacks to remain under the thumb of whites and picking cotton? That's my point... and seriously... doesn't anyone pick cotton anymore, in this day and age? Maybe a few. Heck, Jessie Lee Peterson picked cotton as a boy, and did so with WHITE families, who were as poor as he was.
Don't forget Hitler's first radio address in 1933 titled, "Let's Make Germany Great Again."
Does that make Trump like Hitler? Oh, no... the horror! I can't believe the weak arguments and connections made on this site, lol.
Does that make Trump like Hitler? Oh, no... the horror! I can't believe the weak arguments and connections made on this site, lol.
That's certainly been the panic song for the last four years "Trump is Hitler" "Trump is Hitler"
You're still making a universal affirmative (a principle of logic). Are you suggesting that every person in the south, and I will presume white, since there are black southerners, want b
acks to remain under the thumb of whites and picking cotton? That's my point... and seriously... doesn't anyone pick cotton anymore, in this day and age? Maybe a few. Heck, Jessie Lee Peterson picked cotton as a boy, and did so with WHITE families, who were as poor as he was.

Stop reading what is in your head versus what I wrote. I said vast majority of southerns and I was speaking in past tense pertaining to the time period of Lincoln. But I will tell you that the VAST majority of white people in the south wanted to keep minority suppression alive, WELL into the 20th century. And there is still a large group of white southerners who still want it that way and they all support Trump.

When will the racist pussies tell what they really feel instead of hiding behind "the party of lincoln" bullshit.
At least David Duke has balls unlike the few racists on this forum.
Stop reading what is in your head versus what I wrote. I said vast majority of southerns and I was speaking in past tense pertaining to the time period of Lincoln. But I will tell you that the VAST majority of white people in the south wanted to keep minority suppression alive, WELL into the 20th century. And there is still a large group of white southerners who still want it that way and they all support Trump.

When will the racist pussies tell what they really feel instead of hiding behind "the party of lincoln" bullshit.
At least David Duke has balls unlike the few racists on this forum.
You NEVER indicated a "vast majority." Check your own thread. Regardless, have a nice day, as I can see you actually is the racist (not many on this forum would even use the term you did, even in jest... they would say Blacks or African Americans, etc.).
Byrd later called joining the KKK "the greatest mistake I ever made." In 1997, he told an interviewer he would encourage young people to become involved in politics but also warned, "Be sure you avoid the Ku Klux Klan. Don't get that albatross around your neck. Once you've made that mistake, you inhibit your operations in the political arena." In his last autobiography, Byrd explained that he was a KKK member because he "was sorely afflicted with tunnel vision—a jejune and immature outlook—seeing only what I wanted to see because I thought the Klan could provide an outlet for my talents and ambitions." Byrd also said in 2005, "I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized for a thousand times ... and I don't mind apologizing over and over again. I can't erase what happened."

He earned their respect after he admitted his mistakes and spent the rest of his life denouncing the Klan and apologizing.

Sorry if that doesn't fit your narrative.

But thanks for bringing Byrd up.
All you Trumpsters could learn a thing or two from him.
It is now clear that President Donald J. Trump lives rent free 24/7 in The Rat’s head. The Rat is more obsessed with Trump that those who are really obsessed with Trump.
DeSantis should run for POTUS in 2024. He will have the votes of both the GOP Republican Party and most of the Trump Republican Party. I don't hate Trump at all. I just don't think he's cut-out for politics. It's not a good fit for him. His daughter Ivanka on the other hand would make a fine ambassador. Donald would be a blast to party with, that much I'm certain of. His first best destiny resides in the entertainment industry.

Liking big government doesn't make Trump an asshole. It's what you're able to accomplish with it that makes the difference. No matter what he does, the opposition is going to beat him down at every turn. Where's the fun in that? Donald Trump is a Gemini, and politics is not the place for them. Gemini are best suited for having fun... It's what they do best.
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DeSantis should run for POTUS in 2024. He will have the votes of both the GOP Republican Party and most of the Trump Republican Party.

Disagree. He'll get 100% of Trump's party's vote because Trump will tell them to vote for him.

He's not well liked at all by most of the GOP outside of the Trump orbit.
DeSantis should run for POTUS in 2024. He will have the votes of both the GOP Republican Party and most of the Trump Republican Party. I don't hate Trump at all. I just don't think he's cut-out for politics. It's not a good fit for him. His daughter Ivanka on the other hand would make a fine ambassador. Donald would be a blast to party with, that much I'm certain of. His first best destiny resides in the entertainment industry.

Liking big government doesn't make Trump an asshole. It's what you're able to accomplish with it that makes the difference. No matter what he does, the opposition is going to beat him down at every turn. Where's the fun in that? Donald Trump is a Gemini, and politics is not the place for them. Gemini are best suited for having fun... It's what they do best.
Trump still removed a LOT of regulations, etc., to help businesses, farmers, land development, etc. He may be big gov't, but how the heck do you downsize an elephant to fit through a mouse hole? That's the problem of any president, even if 'small gov't' is desirable. I concur about DeSantis... even if Trump would win again, he's getting up there in years, and him taking another term at 75 (?) is pushing it. He would make a good advisor thought... VP, Secretary of State, etc., presuming he would even want as much (having been President and very opinionated).
Disagree. He'll get 100% of Trump's party's vote because Trump will tell them to vote for him.

He's not well liked at all by most of the GOP outside of the Trump orbit.
But the GOP certainly enjoyed the popularity and any strength that came to the party. Hypocrites.
He would make a good advisor though.

On what?
How to manage casinos?
How to start up a new football league?
How to run a private Colleges?
How to organize an internet steak company?
How to handle a pandemic?
How to use US taxpayer dollars for political gain?
How to deal with the US's long time enemies like Russia and N. Korea?
How to knee-cap your own military by claiming you are smarter than them?
How to gas peaceful US protesters for a church photo-op?
How to incite a mob and then tell them you love them?
How to get away with a lie for 6 months with 15% of Americans?


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On what?
How to manage casinos?
How to start up a new football league?
How to run a private Colleges?
How to organize an internet steak company?
How to handle a pandemic?
How to use US taxpayer dollars for political gain?
How to deal with the US's long time enemies like Russia and N. Korea?
How to knee-cap your own military by claiming you are smarter than them?
How to gas peaceful US protesters for a church photo-op?
How to incite a mob and then tell them you love them?
How to get away with a lie for 6 months with 15% of Americans?
Certainly did better than Obama on those issues, or the current admin with ANYTHING. But that's my opinion. Who cares, really, since you couldn't care less of anyone opinion on this board and serve only as a libtard instigator.
serve only as a.............. (trumpets blare) "Libtard Instigator"

And you would give yourself the title of what?

Freedom Fighter?
Seeker of Truth?
Knower of All?
GOP Stalwart?
Q-Tip Patriot?

Who are you in this little tete de tete?
And you would give yourself the title of what?

Freedom Fighter?
Seeker of Truth?
Knower of All?
GOP Stalwart?
Q-Tip Patriot?

Who are you in this little tete de tete?
Outside observer. Have a nice day with your family, Donnie... they're waiting for you to get off the fucking computer and spend quality time together. Get out the Monopoly board, for shit's sake.
Hey CGG, did I tell you about my twin nephews with autism?

You need some new material.
And you would give yourself the title of what?

Freedom Fighter?
Seeker of Truth?
Knower of All?
It's funny, I picture you getting up every morning, putting on your cape and reciting those very things to yourself in the mirror