Friedman BE OD vs BE100

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Since the pedal has came out, pretty much everybody is raving about it, and one of the things you can hear is: "it's just like the amp". Even Pete Thorn was pointing out in his review of the pedal how close it is and how pedals these days can rival amps distortions.

So I spend the last days watching videos of the pedal, some sound good and some sound not so good, but till now I haven't heard any video of the pedal that wowed me near the same level some of the BE100 videos have. So the question Im asking is: it's really that close? I mean, I would hate to spend 4K in a BE100 to find out I can get 99% there by just buying the BE OD. Can people with experience on the two give a definitive answer on this?

I would love to know the opinion of RezaMatix, for example, as I know he has both and I loved his Friedmans videos, which are for me the best videos of these amps you can find on the net.
there is a lot happening in the power section of the amp
the pedal is not a clone of the amp circuit
it may be a fine sounding pedal, but the hope that it will sound like the amp is all in the name and the hopes of the buyer
Maybe its just me, but I have doubts that a pedal sounds anywhere close to the real thing in a mic'd up live or studio setting. If it did, that wouldn't say much for the amp. Knowing Dave, and the professionals that tour with his gear, I don't think that is the case.
Never played the amp but do know the pedal kicks some major a$$
I own both. The pedal sits in the box. Is it a cool pedal and fun to play? Yes, but it's not a substitute for the BE100. I plan to use it into a keyboard amp when I'm at my inlaws house, otherwise, I'd have no use for it.
mhenson42":1iz4sq4u said:
I own both. The pedal sits in the box. Is it a cool pedal and fun to play? Yes, but it's not a substitute for the BE100. I plan to use it into a keyboard amp when I'm at my inlaws house, otherwise, I'd have no use for it.

you just smashed all kids' dreams.. how does that feel? :lol: :LOL:
how could you be so cruel?
The pedal is cool and I own it, but no way will it sound like the amp. I get what they were getting at with the pedal...and I think the pedal sounds great.
I haven't played the BE OD but as with any MIAB type pedal, how close it sounds to the real thing or how good it sounds in general depends so much on what amp you're playing it into! Through the right amp I can get my Bogner Red to sound almost identical to my Ecstasy's red channel. Through certain amps it sounds very narrow and honky and others scooped and sterile.

I'm sure the BE OD is the same. Want proof? Watch a few episodes of That Pedal Show and listen to how completely different pedals sound through different amps. I'm sure though the right amp that Friedman pedal sounds very close to his amps. You're basically getting a preamp that's similar to the BE but pumping it through a different power section. The tube/SS (jfet, etc) thing isn't as much of a factor as most people think in the preamp section.
Have the pedal, have played the BE100 extensively.

It's not the same, for all the reasons stated above. It's got a lot of the same feel as the's gainy as fuck and can be pretty scooped and compressed and I dig that.

I run it thru the Clean setting of my GP/DI for some modded Marshall flavor and it's fun.

I really like the BE100 but A: I can't afford it and B: I have zero use for a 100 watt amp anyway where I live, so the pedal was a cool idea on Dave's part to get people into his tones.

Expecting it to be the same isn't reality. It's a $200 pedal compared to a $4k amp. It's more of an approximation of the sound and feel than anything. Super fun to fuck with though. Check around, there are deals. Got a buddy that just offed his for like $140.
You can't compare a pedal to a 100 watt amp on 10.

However, the pedal will get you pretty close to the BE sound, & imo, is the greatest hot rod plexi pedals ever made in the world & elsewhere.
If you put a BE-OD in front of different amps, its not gonna make it sound like a Friedman amp.
Well, I'd imagine this pedal through a clean amp with a killer power section might rival the BE or surpass it for some. I'd like to hear it through a NMV Marshall.
Racerxrated":2mbpgmlr said:
Well, I'd imagine this pedal through a clean amp with a killer power section might rival the BE or surpass it for some. I'd like to hear it through a NMV Marshall.

I think that will just squash it more and compress it do to it going through the front end preamp of the Marshall. I think the best tones will be in an FX loop to power amp but even then as many videos show on youtube where they are back to back, a 200$ pedal is not close in tone to a 4k amp. No rocket science there!
Kapo_Polenton":1emgzgkg said:
Racerxrated":1emgzgkg said:
Well, I'd imagine this pedal through a clean amp with a killer power section might rival the BE or surpass it for some. I'd like to hear it through a NMV Marshall.

I think that will just squash it more and compress it do to it going through the front end preamp of the MArshall. I think the best tones will be in an FX loop to power amp but even then as many videos show on youtube where they are back to back, a 200$ pedal is not close in tone to a 4k amp. No rocket science there!

Ran it thru a Ceriatone Plexi 50 set clean w/ a Strat. It sounds killer. No squash, but if you crankk the Marshall NMV into distortion and use the pedal, it will sound like shit. Played it thru a Hi-Tone 50 too. Same thing, sounds great.

The guy who made the YT vid, running the BE OD into the Fryette Power Station, sounded awesome.

Racerxrated":d79biijs said:
Well, I'd imagine this pedal through a clean amp with a killer power section might rival the BE or surpass it for some. I'd like to hear it through a NMV Marshall.

My '69 Plexi clone build puts out about 136 watts and it's very clean on its own. The BE-OD sounds amazing through it, better than my Friedman Smallbox. Takes a lot of dialing in though. I have the Freaking Sick 30w pedal too, which I like even more, but they both work great because my Marshall is super powerful and clean on its own.
bog70":byqausw2 said:
Kapo_Polenton":byqausw2 said:
Racerxrated":byqausw2 said:
Well, I'd imagine this pedal through a clean amp with a killer power section might rival the BE or surpass it for some. I'd like to hear it through a NMV Marshall.

I think that will just squash it more and compress it do to it going through the front end preamp of the MArshall. I think the best tones will be in an FX loop to power amp but even then as many videos show on youtube where they are back to back, a 200$ pedal is not close in tone to a 4k amp. No rocket science there!

Ran it thru a Ceriatone Plexi 50 set clean w/ a Strat. It sounds killer. No squash, but if you crankk the Marshall NMV into distortion and use the pedal, it will sound like shit. Played it thru a Hi-Tone 50 too. Same thing, sounds great.

The guy who made the YT vid, running the BE OD into the Fryette Power Station, sounded awesome.

Sound good, but was that single coils? I find gain pedals sound good with single coils over humbuckers. Whatever, it is all in the ears of the player. It might satisfy someone's need for Friedman if they don't have 4k but it also may not..
Kapo_Polenton":gexn51g9 said:
bog70":gexn51g9 said:
Kapo_Polenton":gexn51g9 said:
Racerxrated":gexn51g9 said:
Well, I'd imagine this pedal through a clean amp with a killer power section might rival the BE or surpass it for some. I'd like to hear it through a NMV Marshall.

I think that will just squash it more and compress it do to it going through the front end preamp of the MArshall. I think the best tones will be in an FX loop to power amp but even then as many videos show on youtube where they are back to back, a 200$ pedal is not close in tone to a 4k amp. No rocket science there!

Ran it thru a Ceriatone Plexi 50 set clean w/ a Strat. It sounds killer. No squash, but if you crankk the Marshall NMV into distortion and use the pedal, it will sound like shit. Played it thru a Hi-Tone 50 too. Same thing, sounds great.

The guy who made the YT vid, running the BE OD into the Fryette Power Station, sounded awesome.

Sound good, but was that single coils? I find gain pedals sound good with single coils over humbuckers. Whatever, it is all in the ears of the player. It might satisfy someone's need for Friedman if they don't have 4k but it also may not..

Yeah, stock American Standard Strat. I like the pedal so much, if I had a money I'd get the Small Box
Do not kid yourself. Pedal != Amp. I do not care how good the pedal is. If you have the money and really want the amp, get one.
glassjaw7":2tmjoic0 said:
I haven't played the BE OD but as with any MIAB type pedal, how close it sounds to the real thing or how good it sounds in general depends so much on what amp you're playing it into! Through the right amp I can get my Bogner Red to sound almost identical to my Ecstasy's red channel. Through certain amps it sounds very narrow and honky and others scooped and sterile.

I'm sure the BE OD is the same. Want proof? Watch a few episodes of That Pedal Show and listen to how completely different pedals sound through different amps. I'm sure though the right amp that Friedman pedal sounds very close to his amps. You're basically getting a preamp that's similar to the BE but pumping it through a different power section. The tube/SS (jfet, etc) thing isn't as much of a factor as most people think in the preamp section.

I'm curious now; which amps make your Bogner Red shine?