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He modded a plexi for me back around 2011 or so but was a reissue and didn't have the magic of those older amps. I couldn't crank it and at the time just didn't understand all of the options I had. I wish I still had it. Dave was great on the phone and so helpful. This was back when he was doing mods and could get a hold of him.Dave's been using this MV in mods for a while. I had him do it a few years ago to a Plexi I used to have.
I'd think of it more as "why did it take him so long to put out a production Plexi".
When the Jake E. Lee amp came out, I thought maybe he would go down this route. The way I look at it, he is creating a new version of an amp that is no longer in production. Has some modern touches but captures what we all love.
I don't understand why Marshall doesn't just redo a plexi like back in the day. I must be missing something but seems like a no brainer and would sell like hot cakes. I know not everyone is a Friedman tone fan but ive always said, Dave is like one of us. He loves great tone and really has his fingers on the pulse of what people are looking for. He just keeps coming out with useful buffers, pedals, amps, guitars, etc.