Frontline205 & GJgo test the IIC+ Reissue against the OG!

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Slap in some NOS tubes and you will get way better feel from the reissue. ?

Also, it would be fun to mod the reissue with a pentode/triode switch. Bet that would help with the “push”.
If the RI had a Pentode switch and a +/++ switch, I'd be 100% in even though I have an OG.
I have a feeling they gonna release variations sooner or later if this version sells good. And I also have a feeling it will.
Thanks for recording and posting! And hats off to @frontline205 for making that drive and for the riffing!
Look at this lineup! Thanks for the video. Maybe the best comparison so far. To me the the RI doesn't sound as full - warm and ballsy as the rest of the amps, which sound amazing by the way... I know that the video might not do justice but again in my opinion it's easy to tell which one is the RI. If I had to pick a favorite, I'd go with the OG - IIB. The green stripe would probably make the perfect thrash amp in my book
I’m listening on headphones and there does seem to be a marked difference between the OG and the Reissue, to me at least.

It sounds good for sure, but the original seems to have more bite and low end chunk than the reissue, which sounded less aggressive and with more low end boom than low mid character.

Of course, this is just what I’m hearing on my headphones. The different cabs also probably made a difference, as would the placement of the amps in the room.
To be honest, it's hard to even call it a comparison, they are not connected to the same cabinet, they were filmed in a large room with huge reverberation, it's better to stick to the opinion that this is a simple jam of friends in a garage than to say which is better or which is worse, personally, out of all of them I liked the original, but again, with a close mic'd comparison and through one cabinet, I can change my opinion.

But in the end, what is important is the feeling of the owner of the amplifier, if he likes it, then great.
Man that IIb sounded fantastic here. What does the + mod do on that amp? I have a IIb (B) board, maybe I should send it in to get some Mike B love.

Great video gentleman!
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I've always thought the Mark cleans were just OK, and this is no exception. If I want a killer clean amp with great reverb I'd still go Fender.

This was always my beef with the Studio Preamps I had. I loved the tone but never could have both the drive sound I wanted and the clean sound I wanted. I kicked around the idea of getting a Quad but eventually decided to just move on as it was still a bit of work to get it sounding just right.

I've got a Mark VII now and honestly after owning the 2 preamps, a 90w MK V and a couple months with a MK IV and a month with the 35w MKV, the VII has been the only mark I've plugged into and just had an incredible sound everywhere without any time needed to fine tune or dial in a good sound. For me, it's just great no matter where it's set and fine tuning only makes it that much better.

The 35w baby V though... man that amp really surprised me. I expected to hate it after never really liking my 90w V but it sounded REALLY good. I'm convinced they changed the voicing for that thing. It was clearer and cleaner in the top end than my 90w V.
Awesome demo and I liked them all except for the MKIII. Too much nasty upper mid peaking but not creamy in the way a good Marshall would emphasize those particular frequencies. Also cheers to Frontline205 for the killer playing! Rhythm is tight and leads have a nice feel and solid technique.
Like @nightlight I also listened on headphones (good ones; Beyer DT990 Pro's) and I found the RI quite middy and not as full compared to the others.

That IIB surprised me; I get why you called it the Ballcrusher. (y) ?

But great job guys!
I feel like a broken record here. The oscillation can still be an issue just because you don’t hear it audibly. No I haven’t played one but this is general theory for any tube amplifier, not just the mark IIC+ reissue. It is a bit unfair to get grouped into a hate hype train stating pure facts that apply to any high gain design.

Weigh your options buying a PCB unstable amp because unlike PTP it’s fuckloads harder to fix, if not impossible, if it’s a layout issue (which I believe it is).

All that aside I still prefer the III+ green over them all. Amp just sounds nuts and aggressive.

Thanks for doing the comparison as they all bring their own thing. It’s personal preference for those that aren’t concerned with technical details.
That III+ green is my favorite too. I kinda want to send a mark III to Mike now