Frustration and no meaningful answers

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If I were to upgrade interfaces from my focusrite solo, whats a superior option that is not much more expensive?
Apogee Boom, it's only got one mic pre though. But superior sounding conversion is what Apogee's known for and is what most of the major studios use.
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3. The snare drum sounds pretty rough. I don't know what's going on with it, but it sounds dead.
Yeah, I was actually kind of shocked at how lame those Ugritone Arena rock drums sounded out of the box. They've got potential, but some EQing is necessary

I'm definitely going to start practicing with putting all drum kit pieces on their own track and working with EQ separately. The URM course has a basic course on this. My only issue is that everything they teach seems to only apply to ultra modern, down tuned metal which is a way different sound.
Yeah, I was actually kind of shocked at how lame those Ugritone Arena rock drums sounded out of the box. They've got potential, but some EQing is necessary

I'm definitely going to start practicing with putting all drum kit pieces on their own track and working with EQ separately. The URM course has a basic course on this. My only issue is that everything they teach seems to only apply to ultra modern, down tuned metal which is a way different sound.

I understand the feeling, I'm not into modern down-tuned stuff either.

I would perhaps suggest Warren Huart's produce like a pro and Bobby Huff music surgery youtube channels for mixing advice that isn't geared towards sounding like slick, anemic, boring modern "metal."

It really is a PITA to try and recreate more vintage sounding recordings with modern drum samples, I've spent years and years working on it.

There is a reason people pay others to engineer, mix, produce, master recordings - it isn't something you can just "do" with no training, experience or practice. Just like learning guitar, it takes time and effort.

If you would like more in-depth advice or have questions, feel free to message me.
Just listen to how low quality this sounds. It sounds horrible. Why?

I'm no expert but your ideal clip just seems to have a little more clarity on the guitars. If that's what you're going for use a little less gain and a little less reverb or whatever your fx chain on the guitars is an see if that helps | hurts
I understand the feeling, I'm not into modern down-tuned stuff either.

I would perhaps suggest Warren Huart's produce like a pro and Bobby Huff music surgery youtube channels for mixing advice that isn't geared towards sounding like slick, anemic, boring modern "metal."

It really is a PITA to try and recreate more vintage sounding recordings with modern drum samples, I've spent years and years working on it.

There is a reason people pay others to engineer, mix, produce, master recordings - it isn't something you can just "do" with no training, experience or practice. Just like learning guitar, it takes time and effort.

If you would like more in-depth advice or have questions, feel free to message me.
His vids are great!!! I learned a lot about mixing, just by Youtube. The best things I have learned over these years:
- Bass frequencies ruin recordings. Gotta trim that boominess out.
- Don't use too much gain
- Eq each instrument to find space for the other instruments and they pop out
- Noise adds up and needs to be cut out
Wow…what a read.

Your drums sound like wet paper plates sprayed with windex…in mono.

As everyone has stated, Stop rendering/bouncing in mono, why are your drums mono??? You can have the biggest sounding guitars in the world, but drums that sound like that will make your mix sound like marshmellows…in mono.

Your guitar tone is fine…for 1x12 combo. There is ZERO chance you will ever get a 1x12 cab to sound like a 4x12. Zero. It’s physics, and people love to argue/bend the rules of physics, and it ain’t gonna happen.

I’m beating a dead horse here but, there’s ALOT that needs to be said here, but this is a good place to start. Drums are the most crucial part of anything sounding “professional”in my opinion. The drums and the low end. Which ironically, you will never get to sound the way you want unless you have a room you can hear it in. But that’s an entirely seperate conversation that we are nowhere close to having. Worry about sick drum tones, the rest is a breeze ( relatively).

And stop listening to morons online who don’t make records for a living telling you how to record. also, like everything else these morons talk about, gain staging is not your fucking problem. If someone tells you this, laugh. This is not something even pros really worry about in the digital world. Does it matter? In certain aspects, in regards to how hard you’re slamming into another plugin if it’s a plugin effected by the input level, sure. Maybe. MAYBE. But that is sooooo fucking far down on the list of things you need to be worried about right now. Like, wayyyyy down on the list. If something is too loud, turn it the fuck down, it ain’t rocket science.

This is why people should learn to engineer first, everything today about recording is completely ass backwards.
stop listening to morons online who don’t make records for a living telling you how to record

Trust me, I get the irony in the statement. However, the fact still remains, there are people who make a living on YouTube spewing this advice who have never even mixed one single song and are making people believe what they say is gospel, and there are those who don’t do this.
Weird, it seems to be linking two of my accounts together. WEIRD! I never logged in on BigGuitars. But yes, both those accounts are me. It was a mistake. I only meant to use this one from now on. Sorry for the confusion

EDIT: Sorry if that violates rules. I didn't mean to!
Great, another alt account… ? JK
Trust me, I get the irony in the statement. However, the fact still remains, there are people who make a living on YouTube spewing this advice who have never even mixed one single song and are making people believe what they say is gospel, and there are those who don’t do this.
Or you could just be like Fluff bruh and throw Soothe 2 on every track!