@PurityS.L.G FWIW:
I haven't tried the Fryette, but a well-known Bay Area pedal board builder/YouTuber told me it was his #1 IR Loader.
He felt the reactive load was better at mimicking the real-world interaction of the amp being on full blast without damaging them.
His other suggestion was to go with the Suhr. I also asked about the UA Ox Box, which he wasn't over-the-moon on.
He felt the Ox uses a resistive load and could put strain on a vintage amp, which seems to go against what Ox claims.
Personally, I use an Ox Box and like it. They do have some limitations, but I find the ease of use, sound quality and features outweigh them.
Last but not least, I'd steer clear of the Mesa Cab Clone I.R.+. I have one and it is ok, but I prefer the Ox Box over it.